Friday 31 January 2020

Bedford-Cambridge Railway announcement

A Bedford-Cambridge Rail Route is chosen and announced!

Bedford-Cambridge route has been approved and await the fine detail of principally:
a. Will there be a physical rail connection with the East Coast Main Line (ECML) to enable Peterborough, Stevenage, East Bedfordshire and Thameslink integration with same east-west tracks and vice versa?
b. What about freight – will the new railway be fully conversant from day one?
c. Will you now consider electrification throughout?
d. Will you include Northampton-Midland Main Line/Bedford-Cambridge in the frame?
On the one hand we're disappointed that it will not use the old trackbed east of Bedford via St John's and may now not serve Sandy/East Bedfordshire linkage with County Town. It will be a great way around and cost avarice sums. On the other hand, a railway is better than none and we welcome progression to the next stages. For readers around what is happening with and associated concerns and agendas, please see our Blogspot and scroll down: We are reliably told by a colleague, that Shepreth Junction with be with a flyover or grade separated junction and 4 tracking between it and Cambridge to accommodate more railways and trains is the good news! For further news please see: There will also be a new station ‘Cambridge South’ alias Addenbrookes!

We also need to look at a link across the top of the Midland Main Line to incorporate Northampton - Cambridge into the new route. 

Addendum: I am reliably told by a colleague, that Shepreth Junction with be with a flyover or grade separated and 4 tracking between it and #Cambridge to accommodate more railways and trains = the good news! Meanwhile #ertarail still wants the old formation restored from west of M11 to Trumpington Junction and links with new Cambridge South Station which will be 4 tracks and yes, Guided Busway must go.

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