Monday 6 January 2020

Alternatives by rail to HS2/HS3

What we want is: a. Woodhead new built with new bore tunnel, b. Peak Rail, c. Harrogate-Ripon-Northallerton, d. Skipton-Colne e. Keswick re-railed and f. Great Central rebuild/new build from Calvert-Narborough with access from the south (Aylesbury, Oxford, Old Oak Common, Heathrow, Southampton and Bristol) to Leicester for East Midlands and beyond dissemination and via Knighton-Burton spare capcity to Derby for wider dissemination and vice versa. 

This capacity creation would go a long way to connect and re-connect and offer capacity at less cost the High Speed designs. I'm open to see the map of what you propose and whether it would accommodate passenger and more freight by rail and not merely create defaultive capacity (HS2 claim). 

A connection from MML north of Luton (Toddington service station area) - M1 calls at MK West/Coachway/Cranfield links- cross country enter Northampton via the old Bedford-Northampton link serving Brackmills Industrial Business Park, University of Northampton Waterside Campus (new), Delapre Abbey Centre, South Northampton and connects with WCML / loop and proposed and at study stage Northampton-Market Harborough line and DIRFT for example. You could focus on Leicester-Nuneaton via Narborough and parallel M1 with diverse links to Rugby, GC for Calvert and if necessary M1 Watford Gap-wherever in the London area you have in mind. 

I would suggest look at incrementalism and working with local lines and infill select new pieces first and then whole hog if necessary? Happy to entertain and discuss in the round further, principally via email and my Vice Chairman and associated do the face-2-face meetings more often than not. 

I dislike the adversarial and aggressive approach of HS2 or bust stances, and wish for a more inclusive, broadened and concilliatory tone which carries more with us. For example, our Great Central scheme would propose a station at Brackley and between Southam and Daventry, none of which HS offers whilst all the design and intrusion of a railway they cannot use. #ertarail


  1. I've written an extensive article on alternatives to HS2 here, some of which reflect yours:

    1. Thank you. We recognise that there is great division of opinion over HS2 and its claims or not. We have our views and welcome alternative suggestions and discourse, seeking to find common ground where we may.
