Tuesday 4 February 2020

Link Northampton to Cambridge and Bedford by Rail

Link Northampton to Cambridge and Bedford by Rail

We are making the point, follow up with meeting elected representatives over a time and see what happens. But now east-west is moving forward again, the impetus is on the councils to put Northampton in the frame. Yes, Olney is a problem, but as with a Bedford-Cambridge rail link, some creative thinking is required. Once we have a link across, getting lorries off the roads and onto the rails will be easier including via Northampton access to the Daventry International Rail Freight Terminal which has customs clearance offices.

ERTA Northampton Forum – Saturday 22 February, 2.00-4.00pm,
Northampton Quaker Meeting House, Wellington Street, Northampton NN1
If interested contact Mr Simon Barber T. 0208 940 4399, E. simon4barber@gmail.com

1. Chairman’s Welcome
2. Apologies for Absence
3. Appointment of a Minute Taker
4. Previous Minutes and Matters Arising
5. Brackmills Branch Issues, Discussion and Solutions
6. Bedford-Northampton – getting councils, organisations and others involved/East-West Rail adoption.
7. Northampton-Market Harborough/Progress/Support
8. Northampton Depot News/Parry People Mover and re-railing goals/how to advance them
9. How to get more locals on board to turn out and join
10. Appointment of any officers beit area reps, project helpers, trackbed watchers, fund raisers
11. Any Other Business
12. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting (Autumn 2020)

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