Thursday 30 January 2020

Harrogate-Northallerton via Ripon makes the news

Harrogate-Northallerton via Ripon makes the news


We can rightly take some kudos for putting this reopening back on the agenda and indeed are working at lobbying for a nationwide re-railing.

Essential reading ahead of the ERTA June B&B jaunt (holding forums and leafleting 3 key areas of Harrogate, Ripon and Northallerton) to the areas, please formalise your Northern Team and have a thorough read, so you are fully briefed. A61 modal choice/congestion broker = the rail option. Where there's a will, there can be a way. What if we carry on as we are and don't go for the rail? Consequences across x many similar schemes is dire medium term. Please let Simon know if interested and plan dates, could be a long weekend like a Friday to a Monday?

Contact Mr Simon Barber T. 0208 940 4399, E.

BTW, we have started getting bookings for our conference. Form and poster via our website page. Please book at your earliest convenience and help spread the word. We also have our stall at St Paul's, Central Bedford, this Saturday, details via the website: and

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