Sunday 2 June 2024

BRTA AGM and Public Meeting - All welcome.

BRTA AGM Agenda for Saturday 13th July 2024 at the BRTA AGM and Public Meeting –
Saturday 2-3pm AGM and from 3pm Guest Speaker et al.
Venue: The Court House, Church Lane, Berkhamsted HP4 2AX
BRTA Convenor Mr Simon Barber: T: 0208 940 4399   E:
Guest Speaker: Karl Watts, a director at Railmotive Ltd. All welcome/admission free
Chaired (AGM/David J. Start), Public Meeting (Colin Crawford)
1.     Apologies for absence
2.     Minutes from 2023 AGM and matters arising
3.     Annual Reports in turn by members of EC except Richard unless called.
4.     Treasurers and Membership Reports
5.     Election of Officers for the Executive Committee (EC):
a.      Richard Pill as CEO
b.     David J. Start as Treasurer, Membership, Grants and Westminster Coordinator
c.      Colin Crawford as Herts Area Rep and Railfuture Liaison Coordinator
d.     David Ferguson as now
e.      Simon Barber as now
f.       An-others x2 if willing to serve and take a role of responsibility.
6.     Reform of constitution to consider and comment on – to be finalised later in the year.
7.     Any Other Business
8.     Day Date Time and Place of Next (2025) AGM – suggest either Guildford URC or Leicester (Quakers)
9.     . Public Meeting with Guest Speaker
10.  Q&A, Discussion, Light Refreshments and Perusal of Book Stall

~ Please bring cash to buy, join or donate. ~ There may be a raffle or similar, watch this space!

 BRTA AGM and Public Meeting:

Saturday, 13 July at The Court House,

Church Lane, Berkhamsted HP4 2AX for

2-3pm AGM and 3pm onwards business.

Phone: 01442-878227/ Colin Crawford 07836693977

Guest Speaker: Karl Watts, a director at Railmotive Ltd.

All welcome/admission free.

Please bring cash with you to peruse our second-hand book and rail magazine stall, donate or join.


If you join as a new member on an old form, it will be honoured for the first year!

BRTA Note: 12 Noon Wetherspoons lunch (BRTA)/13.00 Set Up.

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