Monday 3 June 2024

Rail Links East of Bedford, UK

The British Regional Transport Association (BRTA) has often stated we want 'east of Bedford via the St John's area' and for good reasons. 1 It declutters an already busy Midland Railway Station area and 2. enables more by rail, which cuts overall gridlock congestion more.

We are for an east-west railway and indeed, in more than one location. Majority of rail groups apparently, want the Northern Route E option. Indeed, some at Willington object to our route because they live there and say our route has been "rejected many times" when in 2019 consultation was not even included in the options put before the public! Level crossings are cited, when lobbying the Office for Road and Rail (ORR) and other tiers of government and agencies can actually solicit special dispensations in circumstances where alternatives like at Priory Park entrance would be unworkable due to the New Cut River stream for example.

It is our view, that if East-West Rail goes north of Bedford, then an additional two tracks with demolition of houses would have to be done, as modal shift to rail means more rails and trains to service it. We are concerned at steep gradients via the northern route, especially if freight is involved. However, we are being bullied and isolated by other rail groups as their take is they know better and majority rules the roost!

If objectors to Northern Route East-West Rail were to join BRTA, come to our forums and help us promote our alternative route, which has much to commend it and was supported by Richard Fuller MP when he was MP for Bedford, with Network Rail and Railfuture, then the matter would just need the Council to support it along with any MP or candidates across the political spectrum. Alas, the devil is in the detail and if East-West Rail Company said they needed 6-tracks north of Bedford, our politicians need to accept that and either accept that route or reject it putting our call in its place. Fence sitting and much ado, means no rail link resolution, dithering and compounding congestion, air pollution and gridlocked future as development happens and all goes by road across the regions the railway would serve.

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