Saturday 8 June 2024

Better Buses Battle for Bedford and x Nationwide

From: Saragh Fleckney <>

Date: Mon, 13 May 2024 at 13:16
Subject: FW: Action required - Comment - 01271 - PB

Bedford BC - OFFICIAL-Secure


Good morning, Mr Pill,


Thank you for your email.


Please accept my apology for the delay in replying.


Please find below, responses to your points raised.


  • The bus stop timetable in St Cuthberts Street (outside what was The Merton Centre) is dated 2023. Is that still relevant or has Number 7 changed?

A – The timetable dates June 2023 is the most recent timetables for the number 7 service.

  • I wish you would all collaborate to ensure non digital audiences x however informed, have readable (font size) access to comprehensive timetable information. So, stops seem better than others.

A – We have working with our operators and neighbouring authorities to updates all the roadside publicity. Bus companies can amend their timetables several times a year, so these are updating on a rolling basis, as and when these changes take place.

  • Borough Timetables are best with all times of buses sequential on one timetable poster, not segmentalism.

A – Roadside publicity is generated from the individual bus services registrations. Therefore, it is not possible to merge these into a time sequential format, I’m afraid.

  • Has the 10.02 Uno service on Sundays been reinstated?

A – Please can you specify the location in which you are referring to the 10:02 service?

  • On St Cuthberts, No. 7 is hourly on Sundays, so knowing if and how long to wait really matters. Thanks for all you do.

A – Thank you for compliment. If we can be of any further assistance, please contact my team on

  • On No. 8 extension to the South Wing Hospital, laudable if only the same bus wrapped round Bedford Midland from Winifred Road and Ashburnham Road en route back and people encouraged to ride round. Ideally the bus would stop Kempston Road (no crossing Britannia Road) and go via Spring Road Kempston to loop back via Ampthill Road –

A - Thank you for your suggestion. The service 8 is a commercial route that is operated by Stagecoach therefore we have no governance over how the service operates. However, will pass your comments on to Stagecoach for their consideration.

  • Morrisons has had a reduced service with No. 2 cut.

A – Yes, Stagecoach decided to de-register the number 2 service as it was no longer commercially viable for them to run. Unfortunately, this has reduced the number of bus services currently serving Morrisons on Ampthill Road.

  • On the whole, buses are okay and yet, I do wish some gaps like Tavistock Street, High Street, Bedford Midland Rail Station and so forth, were better served or as in Tavistock Street, are not served at all, surely one of the many buses which ply Union Street could do it, wrapping around back to Hassett Street via The Broadway?

A – The decision as to whether to serve these locations would a commercially decision by the operators. However, Stagecoach are currently looking at their town network and conducting some travel pattern modelling so I will pass this information on to them for them to investigate further.

  • Now 906 is just a normal bus and not a coach, could reinstatement of picking up St Peters Street (Eagle/Quarry side/outwards) be reinstated as per that of the Rugby Ground?

A – Again, this would be a commercial decision of the operators. So, I will pass your comments on to them for hem to investigate further.  

  • Likewise, X5 Bedford-Oxford, to serve (outward) a new stop on the corner of Biddenham Gold Lane, to save expanded residents, having to come into Bedford and out again, meaning driving is the best option for many?

A – the X5 service used to stop on Bromham Road, many years ago, but Stagecoach decided to cease this. I will raise this with them again for their consideration.


Lack of any shop for Biddenham when so much expansion of housing is taking place, seems again, detrimental, as the nearest supermarket is again in town or A6/Bypass Corner about 1-2 miles northwards? Is this a design oversight, not even a garage with a modest food hall and toilet access for example? People having to drive in the absence of 'the local'?


A - The Council recognises the importance to communities of local shopping facilities which provide for people’s day-to-day needs. Through our local plans the Council promotes the retention and development of local shops in local centres and villages. Where places are not well served by local shops the Council will look for opportunities by encouraging a developer to provide new facilities as part of their developments. However commercial realities are such that a developer will not build a shop unit that it cannot let on the commercial market because it does not have a large enough catchment to make it financially viable. It is unfortunately the case that Biddenham is just too close (by car) to a good range of shops to make it likely that one could be successfully established in the village. Nevertheless, if a site were to become available and someone did want to open a shop in the village, the Council would not be opposed to such a development in principle subject to their not being any disturbance to neighbours.


Many Thanks



Saragh Fleckney

Manager for Passenger Transport and Sustainable Travel

Bedford Borough Council

Barkers Lane Depot

121 Barkers Lane


MK42 9AP

01234 228122 (ext. 42122)

Mobile: 07823 363125




From: Richard Pill <>
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2024 12:53 PM
Subject: [External] Bus Stop Updates and Feedback


Attention: This email originated from outside of Bedford Borough Council. Please be extra vigilant when opening attachments or clicking links.

Dear All,

The bus stop timetable in St Cuthberts Street (outside what was The Merton Centre) is dated 2023. Is that still relevant or has Number 7 changed?

I wish you would all collaborate to ensure non digital audiences x however informed, have readable (font size) access to comprehensive timetable information. So stops seem better than others.

Borough Timetables are best with all times of buses sequential on one timetable poster, not segmentalism. Has the 10.02 Uno service on Sundays been reinstated? On St Cuthberts, No. 7 is hourly on Sundays, so knowing if and how long to wait really matters. Thanks for all you do.

On No. 8 extension to the South Wing Hospital, laudable if only the same bus wrapped round Bedford Midland from Winifred Road and Ashburnham Road en route back and people encouraged to ride round. Ideally the bus would stop Kempston Road (no crossing Britannia Road) and go via Spring Road Kempston to loop back via Ampthill Road - Morrisons has had a reduced service with No. 2 cut.

On the whole, buses are okay and yet, I do wish some gaps like Tavistock Street, High Street, Bedford Midland Rail Station and so forth, were better served or as in Tavistock Street, are not served at all, surely one of the many buses which ply Union Street could do it, wrapping around back to Hassett Street via The Broadway?

Now 906 is just a normal bus and not a coach, could reinstatement of picking up St Peters Street (Eagle/Quarry side/outwards) be reinstated as per that of the Rugby Ground?

Likewise, X5 Bedford-Oxford, to serve (outward) a new stop on the corner of Biddenham Gold Lane, to save expanded residents, having to come into Bedford and out again, meaning driving is the best option for many?

Lack of any shop for Biddenham when so much expansion of housing is taking place, seems again, detrimental, as the nearest supermarket is again in town or A6/Bypass Corner about 1-2 miles northwards? Is this a design oversight, not even a garage with a modest food hall and toilet access for example? People having to drive in the absence of 'the local'?

Hope this is useful feedback respectively.

Not complaining, just thinking aloud for audits and hands-on better use of what we have available.


Yours sincerely,



Richard Pill

~ a regular bus user and observer. ~

cc. BRTA Bedford Forum

I forward an email I received from Bedford Borough Council regarding local buses, access and plethora other matters, by no means exhaustive! I did ask for permission to share. I do consider them to be in the public interest as per the letter attached from DFT.

On a more positive note, Wixams Station is slowly moving towards being a reality, at the foothills at least we hope! re:

Our goals are:
1. Affordability. A family of four visiting Milton Keynes for example from Bedford at £2 each, would be £16 return before one has spent anything. It goes against those on or below £20, 000 p.a. to £zero / Welfare and millions in between. These brackets struggle with the cost and maintenance of a car and free access to buses could inform a. daily needs more met and b. change over for spending on essentials like food, energy bills and other essentials more.
2. Is it fair for retired people to get a free bus pass when 18+ to retirement people have to pay? Not to begrudge elderly their pass, but if extended it could mean:
a. people can vote with their feet more on bus usage
b. likely more bus usage, so shutting down in stats is harder to justify.
c. Greener environmental transport usage by people means less traffic and congestion/parking demand, lowers emissions and give people more modal shift choices.
There may be other aspects, please feed back.
We have to consider whether the £2 gimmick saves government money than a 18+ standard 'open to all' free bus pass and even over £20, 000 p.a. should be able to reasonable cost buy an annual bus pass, to save them costs and give more options.
I do not understand why Bedford has a lack-lustre bus linkage day time with the main Bedford Midland Railway Station as part of all buses overall journeys when places like Spalding, Hastings, Horsham and Milton Keynes and elsewhere integrate much more and pull it off some how whether commercial or not? I was told pre-pandemic 9000 people pass through Bedford Midland Railway Station per day, so 10% of that to buses, would be a boost and more than cover costs surely?
Local government struggles with costs and is threadbare, I understand that, but so are other places which still see the link between bus station and main railway station as a pize worth seeking. It would be good to have this looked at and championed by pro-green councillors objectively. Chicken and egg, whereby if you do not lay on regular buses, you can only drive, walk and cycle or taxi, if you do lay on people, what incentive to wait and use? Plusbus was a scheme to integrate ticketing, and Season Ticket Holders may well have bus access included for example? So leisure line users, visitors and ad hoc travelling, could benefit from more and better bus integration with Bedford Midland Railway Station. If and when East-West Rail and other major developments land here in Bedford, what will they find? It gives timescale for heads to think, study and find solutions to the problem, which until 1980's privatisation, was not an issue for local buses to serve - 108 to Clapham I believe for example served the station, now just a bi-hourly frequency on a 15-20 minute walk through an estate to the main bus station in Greyfriars and back. I welcome feedback, thoughts or whatever as to how we might take these issues forward, certainly will table it for our next Bedford Forum - see:

Yours sincerely,

Richard Pill
Ps. If anyone wishes to see original emails, please send requests via

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