Monday 28 June 2021

Old Oak Common (OOC) Design and Improvement needed.

This diagram doesn't show the proposed Southern Heathrow Rail Link. I need your help to ascertain:
1. Whether it would link with OOC and go on to physically link with the Chiltern Line or not please?
2. We need that through and connective interchange duality for our spinal north-south arcing rail corridor utlising spare capacity e.g. freight/night workings away from residential areas.
3. Could we set up a meeting with Chiltern to ascertain their views and on our map of intent - attached.
3. Is there time for a coalition of interests to push for more baying capacity from north and south - remembering the Cricklewood-Heathrow arc via Dudding Hill issues.
4. What if anything can we reasonably do to interject at this stage and to whom x whosoever may entertain potentially/please make a list of suggested outlets/parties to consider.
5. Does anyone have any direct general email link to TfL? My connection is poor and would like to involve them in our future London and surrounds Zoom/other agendas please.
I would welcome your kind collaboration please.
If too late and 'no' to any of our aims there, it is a. a pity and b. missed opportunity. Interchange would be max requiring a change. A Banbury/Brackley/Aylesbury - Guildford arc, would have been useful from numerous angles surely and I invite any active people to push for it still please by whatever channels.
In short, a list of all players would be useful for me to launch an 11th hour desk-top campaign. Any offers of help, information and join our loop for liaison please via requests to

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