Monday 7 June 2021

East Midlands/Leicester - Brighton, Southampton, Bristol, Gatwick, Heathrow, Old Oak Common Interchange and all in between.

Recommend a read of:

See how they identify problems and opportunities related. 
See how they bring various parties together and source funding.
Once case is made, politicians have to look at it in their overall scope and discussion and see benefits on-off rails.
If we can build such a coalition for GC Corridor by working together, we can feed into or have specific Zoom Meeting - count 6 months off and set a date, who is willing to host and pro-actively market it - let me know/have offers, can be more than one person as long as you both liaise together.
I think we're on to something:
Guildford-Horsham-Shoreham (Reading/Heathrow - Brighton/Gatwick) and all in between - domestic can do it all, High Speed by nature does differential market reaches and ranges but cannot do interim much.
2. Get in touch with the Southern Heathrow Rail Project and encourage extension and tunnel/physical linkage with the Chiltern Main Line beyond Old Oak Common/OOC - via our Westminster Team, lobby Parliament/relevant MP's and Rail Minister Chris Heaton-Harris (MP for Daventry and Grant Shapps (Welwyn MP/Hertfordshire boy!) try
and get them to see a bigger picture than just piecemeal projects isolated - who coordinates/harmongenises? Can they interject that thought to an arena of interests in design and inclusive joined-up network opportunity?
3. Calvert - Calvert-Grendon gets fast-tracking to OOC and beyond/London orbital/Bedford, Milton Keynes, Rugby/GC Corridor to OOC and beyond - including direct links with Portsmouth and another way in to Southampton - freeing up Reading-Oxford more and creating more capacity for more by rail/growth?
4. Calvert/new station-Brackley alongside/near the HS2 corridor (new) and thence northwards to Willoughby/Barby/Rugby (new build). 
5. Rugby-Magna-Lutterworth-Narborough-Leicester/Gateway East Midlands and vice versa them to Southampton 'not via London' and on routes with new/capacity more?
Can someone or people appetise these companies on the back of such a vision please? Offers to assist to me via this email please asap. I think politicians will be more pursuaded by evidence, we need the bigger players to invest to find and cement the evidence as per the LHOFT project for Woodhead suggests? We can do it/we can get the ball rolling whilst seeking route protection alongside. 
What do you think? Let me have feedback please?
The Banbury arm to Woodford Halse area assumes Oxford-Didcot-Reading capacity (Southampton/Bristol nodal points and all in between) and has to negotiate M40 and HS2 over or under = a challenge. Our route avoids that, albeit any kind passive inclusion from HS2 for a domestic line nearby mopping up, would be a nice thing to achieve. Land at Calvert - get down there and take some pictures for our use please - needs land set aisde for rail, station, tracks, flyover/viaduct/expansion more. On Oxford-Milton Keynes east-west we also want a Claydon Station - so the curve to the east north of Calvert should be upgraded for more and likewise a study - maybe sourced with Martin Tett of Bucks County Unitary Authority Council - could look at a new Bicester-Aylesbury curve. Grendon avoids Aylesbury, so no Chiltern conflict. Marylebone is at capacity full apparently, so OOC and beyond gives other baying and through route potential and so needs design accommodation/consideration. We plant ideas. We desperately need others to help with updates to our website, please contact Iain Sear if willing to assist - must be able to do it please. Thanks.
Meanwhile all our dates / events are on our website now: Please tap in and engage.

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