Saturday 28 April 2018

ERTA Calls for Route Protection for Great Central Creation Corridor to Re-Rail!

ERTA seeks backers and policy protection support at Local Government levels for a possible phased incrementation approach to a new rail link utilising parts of the former Great Central Main Line corridor from Calvert (North Bucks) to Brackley to Rugby LNW main current railway station and a further phased incrementation to join the Leicester-Nuneaton line for Southeastern-East Midlands corridor and capacity creation and welcome your kind interest and support please.

ERTA is willing to meet with any congenial parties who may be interested or supportive and willing to seek backers for the project and help be instrumental in advocating it. The benefits are numerous, re-railing communities brings inward investment, footfall and spend but also new commuting, employment and betterment opportunities which being cut off except for a 10 mile plus drive, prohibits and stifles.

The current arteries road and rail beit  M1/M40 and West Coast Main Line need relief and extra capacity options for getting more passenger and freight off trunk and motoroways and onto rails. HS2 will not cater for more freight by rail, at best it creates more seats at cost on end to end services, but does not reflect a transfer of trains to alternative routes or new compatible trains to multiple applications. In short HS2 is no panacea for growth and sustainable development, whereas this corridor re-railed could be.

ERTA is willing to send a delegated team to meet with any group or individuals supportive to this project being given support and for Local Councils to adopt supportive policies which does mean tailoring development to ensure a recoverable railway route and realignments/deviations and new build can be done to correct the fragmented mistakes of the past, the over-zeallous closure plans of the 1960's and the deficit void which exists requiring rectification.

East-West Rail: This is no distraction, rather the latter informs a platform and mutual feed between the two allowing broader usage of exact same tracks by passenger and freight, leading to the question who needs a Super Highway anyway when all east-west traffic growth and problems has been bourne to deficit of a lack of any comprehensive east-west railway for 100 miles north of London anyway? Restore the full railway and the rest falls into some kind of objective balance/equilibriaum surely? So we expect and encourage the two projects to collaborate and cross-reference and for planners to ensure access to other rails at Calvert and Rugby ensure a joined up railway system which can absorbe sustainable development, preserve the countryside and land use balances on the whole. Without the rails, we are in a crisis as all development, even in the wake of a brown field creation default of HS2 without a station in 100 miles between Old Oak Common and the West Midlands means all new development is flung to existing roads and rails which are saturated. This is the worse possible outcome and we must gather the resolve to both challenge and stem it by ensuring these local, community, conventional rail links are planned and pipelined for timely delivery. Thank you.

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