Wednesday 11 April 2018

Application 17/03232/OUT AT Land at Corner of Lavendon Road And Warrington Road Olney, ERTA has grave concerns for implications.

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

ERTA has made sterling efforts to rally objections amidst tireless waves of re-submission albeit reconfigured planning applications for piecemeal and parochial considerations which cross and conflict with the railway which whilst having local credentials and benefits, is also a strategic consideration. If these application at Northampton and Olney go ahead, there are wider strategic ramifications scuppering the railway as we go forward into an uncertain future. If unsure please ask. But the numerous letters to local papers about NIMBYISM should show that development without infrastructure is unsustainable and driving into urban areas requires endless lands for parking allocation which is an unviable demand to service and fixing costs to manage demand is unfair but a necessary evil? 

You can support ERTA by joining, offering time and talent and/or donating to our cause via PayPal on our website:

We are having meetings with influential people but they take time. If these applications are thrown out it gives us a stay of execution, if they are approved, it is a major set back to the railway aspiration and whilst we never say never, none-the-less will deny local communities a possible lifeline which otherwise they may have benefited from.

Thank you for your support and indulgence, even as we seek to serve the public interest.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Pill
ERTA Media Spokesperson.

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