Friday 1 September 2017

Better Rail Links for Northampton

Re: Northampton-Bedford rail link restoration

Northampton’s strategic position means it gets a lot of north-south and east-west traffic. A key logistics and population centre it reaches gridlock congestion and a high content of juggernaut lorries on both M1 and the east-west A14-A45-A43 and vice versa cross roads based on urban Northampton. This cannot continue to grow without some rebalancing between road and rail. For that to happen we need Northamptonshire County Council to see the strategic need and case for reopening the rail link, the benefits for Northampton and wider county and table a cross border consortium to vie in the market of calls for reopenings nationwide for this specific reopening regardless of other projects, agendas or happenings. In short it needs a sustained, incremental nurturing which softly-softly delivers a realisation that it is a strategic missing link with a new revitalised role to play and robust market to serve in the 21st century.

There need be few costs. Tabling the Consortium and gathering support from private and public sectors, realising funds for commissioning a proper feasibility study (Bucks County Council allocated £100, 000 for one looking at rebuilding a new High Wycombe-Bourne End link for Thames Valley – East-West feeder arc).

Northampton-Bedford has many attributes as to why reopen passenger and freight and some of these are detailed in my booklet published earlier this year priced £4.50 + £2.00 postage. But integrated Thameslink (Luton Airport/Northampton link via Bedford) and Northampton-Bedford-Cambridge East-West Rail integration. If Bedford-Cambridge has an east-north axis rail link, then Felixstowe-West Midlands freights can go that way via the Leicester south curves. However, Bedford-Northampton enables access to Brackmills, Northampton, DIRFT AND the West Midlands. Side benefit is the freeing up of many paths on the West Coast Main Line (capacity) to enable more passenger and freight services, all taking traffic and wear and tear off our roads, cutting pollution and contributing to better public health and ambiance (sell-able asset!). We must not throw this away, we must nurture support – University of Northampton and stewardship of the trackbed bordering their Waterside Campus an early winnable port of call, getting Olney Town Council to believe reopening is do-able and to protect a route around the town – a new route or recovery of a route is required is a study in itself. But the key gain for Milton Keynes is more trains serving Central Station, without Bedford-Northampton West Coast paths are premium and restricted, informing over-crowding, pricing management and more traffic on local roads than otherwise could be the case. Nice as letters saying “I/we support…” are what we need is for you to:
·        Work at forming a consortium
·        Gather support
·        Work with us/liaise
·        Keep it as informal as possible until we get a break through of all on board end to end of the line.
·        Encourage business to be involved – less congestion helps them, therefore it is in their interest to lend support, acumen and leadership
·        Win over the East-West Consortium to give it credence by making the case of what a ground changer this project could be for all its projects and interests.

ERTA holds events and tables an informal forum in Northampton and we welcome people to meet with us, offer support and work with us to move things forward, which is the only way chances for success can be realised. You can see our diary on:
The reality is that development goes on regardless, to make development sustainable we need the rail link restored. It has been on the Secretary of State’s desk twice in the 20 years I’ve been involved with the campaign, one of which was 2004 with the London South Midlands Multi Modal Study (LSMMMS). Network Rail’s GRIP process escalators projects towards recognition and potential adoption. We must not think of the branch line steamy past, but of a robust passenger and freight by rail opportunity, save the countryside and cut urban squalor and blight congestion informs. The railway would boost footfall and spend to both our ancient town centres and restore local sense of underpinning and a sense of well-being whatever the future throws up. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Pill

ERTA Chairman

Could people respond to this consultation and suggest that a Northampton-Bedford rebuild rail link should also be integral to Oxford-Cambridge railway renaissance for inclusion and to ensure the freight by rail shift aspect is not compromised?

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