Tuesday 19 September 2017

Bedford Central Interchange or Marginalisation?

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I attach details in recent Beds on Sunday Newspaper of a meeting to be held discussing cancellation of fast trains stopping at Bedford which would be a downgrade in the services we currently have. I have signed the petition and even put the details on our Blogspot in a display of solidarity. But it enjoys the support of the Mayor, MP Moh. Yasin and the great and good. Obviously if asked, I will give my penneth worth but it has capable people leading it. If only we had the same support for Bedford-Northampton as an integral solution to the bottlenecking problems Bedford faces, we'd be laughing together!

Alas life is unfair and disproportionate and we learn to live with it, getting on with what we believe to be the best option which is that if 2-3 trains run on to Northampton from Bedford, it clears paths through Bedford for more trains to call. Likewise if the new Ford End Road Bridge caters for realigning tracks from St John's for the full East-West Rail from the East as well as West fine and if the new station goes top of Midland Road on car parking not on track corridor spaces fine and good, bodes well. If also the land where the derelict Engine Shed is west side of the railway is used for a second entrance, booking hall and  car park that capacity can deal with growth, however if developed for flats, we lock in tailbacks pending new stations for Oakley and ideally Rushden area too to stem the flood of cars seeking rail access over a radius of 20 miles. That includes any growth along the A428 corridor too at 2.5 cars per new house. So 1000 new houses translates to 2500 cars additionally and where will they all go?

It is vital that freight can go from Felixstowe to West Midlands via Cambridge-Bedford and Bedford-Leicester south curves to free up paths into, across and out of London. That requires a east-north curve at St John's. It cannot be understated, if politicians trivialise or dismiss that call, they throw away East-West Rail's ability to take a fair share of freight. Oxbridge always enjoyed a healthy freight tonnage and only policies to divert via London to save (then) London lines. Likewise it is vital all East-West trains run into Bedford Midland Station for interchange and so coming into Bedford via St John's makes critical sense as does adequate land for baying. Indeed is it really so ludicrous to suggest that the other side of Platform 4 could be made a long terminal siding for trains from London to terminate at Bedford? You could take a point south of the River Bridge, new single track bridge over the River and bay Thameslinks there or make a new loop going north. Alternatively you could take a road link from Dallas Road Kempston, put in a new road bridge to serve the Queen's Park side car park mooted above from the south. The goal must be to stop all day congestion along the Prebend Street which exposes communities to canyoning entrapment of fumes from exhausts and some of our best people seem wedded to the car lifestyle and are entrenched on ideological grounds to make any changes and it is interesting, those churches bidding for new buildings, will they have cycle racks and disabled access improvements? Not just car parks!

Finally, please do consider coming to our October Rail Reopenings Forum with Guest speaker Peter McBeath on the Lower Thames River Crossing. Getting orbital transport around London must be a part of solutions to free up capacity. All welcome. 

Yours sincerely,

Richard Pill

SATURDAY 14 OCTOBER in the Function Room,
1pm Food and Social*, 2pm – 4pm Business
Possible Guest Speaker: Mr Peter Mcbeath to give an illustrated talk on the 
Lower Thames River Crossing Project 
followed by a discussion.
The Tavistock Pub, 117 Tavistock Street,
Bedford, MK40 2SB, All welcome.
The purpose of the event is to discuss and review the progress or otherwise of rail reopenings generally and our own specific efforts where more people and team building support can make a real difference. Offers for guest speakers at future events is always welcome to entertain providing you bring your own equipment and give freely of your time and without cost to ERTA.
Be part of the change that you would like to see!
e. richard.erta@gmail.com T. 01234 330090

*Please note everyone is responsible for paying for their own food and drink

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