Thursday 18 January 2024

West Wales North-South Main Line needs support!

Please support and write in favour of this local rail reopening: 

It would make the existing remnant rail network more relevant and boost patronage all year round, sustaining local businesses and informing widespread regeneration. 
The railway, even if 10 years, is a worthwhile project and can be modernised to inform end-to-end fast transit times and challenge the pro-road building lobby which informs endless demand for parking guzzling land which is needed for other things. 

If we take the Borders Line reopening, it was very much a cynical reception but devolution and campaigning resulted in the go-ahead and it has carried millions to a largely rural landscape and demand for full rebuild to Carlisle exists but the British Westminster Government has dithered despite the resounding support and exceeding usage data. You have to make a start, Oxford-Cambridge direct rail has taken 35 years campaigning, so 10 years is a drop in the ocean by comparison! Start now and take it seriously.

Regeneration of West Wales and South West Wales in particular likely, more freight by rail as well. Jobs, sustaining hotels for families to revisit these locations rather than just walkers and single groupy camping styles. Wales needs diversity and all round year-on-year sustained vistorship.

Please give this project your support.

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