Wednesday 3 January 2024

2023 Assessment and Seed Sowing for 2024 Progress!

ERTA aspires to be nationwide in coverage and is voluntary in scope. Therefore, we need a steady flow of members to help us fulfill our aspirational goals. If people want more, they must be prepared to contribute and get involved to 'make it happen' or at least make it more likely. 

Last year we:
1. Unearthed a study which was suppressed making a case for reopening a Northampton-Market Harborough rail link. It was suppressed, we only unearthed it via a Freedom of Information (FOI) request. The study is not complete however, but sourcing support and money has been painfully difficult and protracted. That is still the case. The Minister for Rail Huw Merriman MP who deferred to taking it up with England's Economic Heartlands (EEH). That is our next port of call and explore all the avenues available. Really, should not be down to us, but the professionals and leaders seem to be preoccupied with other things, need I say more?!
2. East-West Rail is almost physically linked with Bletchley and Bicester, so through use of Oxford-Milton Keynes running will be possible, with passenger services commencing 2025/6/7 ish!
3. Guildford-Horsham, we are following up behind all that which has gone before. Galvanising a new team and funding things like questionnaires, remains again a challenge and a fundraising officer who knows what and how would be just the add-on we need to ensure targeted leafleting, with more volunteers locally sourced, is do-able.
4. There's always more like Stations between Bedford and Leicester, Stations south of Northampton and many other stations or reopenings or both, which come our way. Things are trickling along, but painfully slow and the gauntlet to any government is a. decide which way transport policy is going, b. consider land-use and the environment as well as people, places and communities well-being and c. Infill electrification of the Bedford-Bletchley rail link for a semi-fast Watford-Corby service beit passenger and freight usage and efficiency.

January 2024 Newsletter out now. PDF copies available via email requests to

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