Thursday 5 January 2023

Rails for Hertfordshire 2023!

English Regional Transport Association (ERTA) has a vision for Hertfordshire. We invite those who share it, to join ERTA 

Then to offer to assist, volunteer - it is all voluntary - to work and help build a team to incrementally pursue it towards delivery with all the agencies, councils, MP's and public generative support. Attitude to solving problems, rather than bedevilment of them, helps see a bigger picture of benefits if we succeed and success tastes good!

Please join us and let's get Hertfordshire re-railed. 

Enquiries via

The English Regional Transport Association (ERTA) is voluntary:
We rely on people to join and offer to assist with growing a team to take on projects and move the agendas on towards delivery. 
We want people to focus on benefits and opportunities and see the greater good than mere parochial concerns. 
We really welcome MP, Councils and elected people's support and interest. 
In all, moving towards delivery should be the goal and priority. 
The Government has a pivotal role to play, to reform the framework to enable more in a timely manner. £27 billion new roads and a mere £500 million Rail Reopenings Fund is no way to seriously address modal shift from road to rail, reduce emissions, pollution and save land for other things from conservation and farming to housing and employment for example. Land is a precious resource, local rails take less of it than new roads.
Please give us support and help be part of the answer to 'will or can it happen?' It is more likely with your support.
Much laudation for the Oxford-Cambridge East-West Rail is accredited, but has taken 35 years of ardur to get things moving and still not there yet by a long chalk. Meanwhile east-west roads have progressively been upgraded, traffic volumes have arisen and really in 100 miles north of London, it is ERTA's conviction we need more east-west rail links, minimally at the 25 mile, 50 mile (east-west) and 75 mile axis' north of London.
Extending the tubes out of London would also bring better rail access and make integration easier.
Someone once suggested every junction on/off the M25 should have a park and ride facility with services. Alas, it is a bleak landscape and land is being developed without rail-based infrastructure being adequate, compounding congestion problems and associated ills.
Please give us your support. It is not a losers game, rather a window of opportunity to work at and seek delivery for benefits to all.

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