Monday 23 January 2023

Great Central New Build to 21st C Corridor - Rugby Transport Forum Minutes - please join and give support.

Notes of ERTA Rugby Transport Forum: Saturday 21st January 2023 at Rupert Brooke Wetherspoons 01788 576759 8–10 Castle Street, Rugby, Warwickshire
CV21 2TP Convenor/contact: Mr Simon Barber: T. 0208 940 4399 E.
Present: Simon Barber, Kuljit Maan, David Ferguson, Richard Pill
1.     Appointment of a chair for the meeting: Simon Barber
2.     Apologies for absence: Leonard Lean, Tom Longstaff, Colin Crawford, Mark Pawsey MP, Cllr Wallace Redford of Warwick’s CC, Cllr Rupert Frost of West Northants Council, Cllr Peter James, Harborough Council.
3.     North of Rugby (Rugby-Magna Park-Lutterworth-Narborough area physical rail linkages):
a.      Kuljit to liaise with Simon on informing a team of volunteers to assist with delivery of the ERTA Leicester Flyers around the Narborough area. What is left over, can be done elsewhere/used to recruit new members etc. A date needs to be set before 11th March MH meeting. Likewise, Simon to furnish Kuljit with Cllr Peter James for delivery of the MH specific flyers in a timely manner and to liaise with Simon for a team of volunteers to deliver them 2 weeks before 11th March to give people a chance to know and come to the meeting.
b.     It was agreed a study is needed on how to get out of Rugby existing station to Magna Park and Lutterworth and connect to the Leicester-Nuneaton existing lines for access to Leicester for passenger services and Peterborough (freight) and also Knighton for Burton upon Trent and Derby (freight bypass). Land has and is being developed, time is running out unless councils can be persuaded to buy into the idea, find a junction land and protect it to keep options open.
c.      It was agreed that Kuljit would inform a delegation to Leicestershire and Rugby Councils to try and persuade them to buy into the idea and round-table to find resources for a study to make the case and look at routing options.
d.     It was noted that the main line reconfigurations north of Rugby Station, means on-coming points to contra fast lines would not be entertained in all likelihood and so the old Midland route does not lend itself for such a new junction these days. One balmy idea, was to put the new link on stilts over the existing lines and have a two or three tier station complex, not higher than the adjacent station car park tower for example.
4.     South of Rugby (Rugby Central Parkway – East-West Rail and Aylesbury for wider linkage to Bicester, Oxford, Bristol, Southampton and all in between, beyond as well as London Old Oak Common/OOC. This via the areas of Willoughby, Woodford Halse area, Brackley East Parkway). Nothing is easy or straight-forward. But this is a new 21st Century railway for the carriage of people and goods, more capacity, modal shift from road to rail and catering for sustainability more amidst spiralling growth and a lack of rail-based infrastructure. It was agreed that this second part of the project (north of Rugby being one half, south of Rugby being the other half) and maybe a third aspect linking the two/including orbitals of Rugby. The southern limits of the railway (physical) would be physical arms to link into Aylesbury and a western curve towards Oxford. If that can be done (complicated by the knuckle hump of east-west going over HS2, fine, but it has already knocked out an arm from Aylesbury-Claydon (eastwards curve) and a study to look at routing options, including of course Calvert-Grendon or Aylesbury-Princes Risborough for our proposed link from Chiltern Main Line to OOC and Heathrow-Woking-Guildford for example. It was agreed strategy-wise, but we are terribly short on willing volunteers.
5.     How to get from south of Rugby to Rugby WCML/Northampton Loop and beyond via DIRFT to Lutterworth and associated aforementioned linkages? It needs a study. Indeed, every aspect needs a study to look and identify options from construction/reconstruction, engineering, costs and environmental impact. Agreed that a study on practicalities is needed as well as routing options. Essential to get councils on board and for that we need to know/have volunteers who grasp the strategic significance of the project and gather support from councils, business and other sectors. Connect Midlands say they are ‘neutral’ which given their roads agendas, seems less-than ideal to put it mildly. We vitally need people like Colin to help with diplomatically bringing these points home and ushering council and others on board with the ideas, aspirations and them working out finer details. Some relocation/knocking down for a 20-meter width railway structure/land would be needed in some places. These things need studying, which needs councils on board and that is where efforts are best located.
6.     Seeking backers, sponsors, business interest and political support from councils, agencies and government. Kuljit Maan after May to be willing to be the Project Coordinator and direct it, grow a team and pool support and take it to councils for their support and buy-in to the idea. Richard can do some desk-top thinking and clerical support and email, Simon and David may be willing to help with meetings, leafleting and general support. But we desperately need more local-based people and younger age profile with energy, get up and go and yet ably to engage with councils and gently say “what about it?” and court their support and better placed to start a consortium to move towards funding studies, protecting lands with councils and getting the rail agenda advanced.
7.     Association needs: This needs to focus on a. upping our presence in Rugby, b. getting and growing a team of support, c. leafleting and marketing, d. rails from Rugby Central south and rails from Rugby WCML to Magna Park, Lutterworth area and linkages to Narborough area existing rails. It needs backers, sponsors and professionals to take the ideas and make progress with them towards delivery. It needs buy-in from councils and public as well as MP’s. How we get there/preliminary strategies. ERTA is not equipped to do studies (they start at upwards of £50k), but we do plant ideas and seek to identify gaps and potential as yet unserved markets by rail to consider and pursue hopefully. Traffic and emissions reduction must be a main consideration in all our endeavours.
It was agreed to hold a Public Meeting at The Quakers 3rd Saturday of May or following Saturday with a speaker – like Guildford. This would be preceded by a leafleting campaign and seek to rally public support. Wetherspoons 12 Noon for lunch, 1.30pm set up and 2-4pm business. Wetherspoons is not suitable for more than half a dozen people and noise levels are difficult to speak over. This needs to be the pattern if funding can cover it. Simon to make enquiries: Address: 28 Regent Place, Rugby CV21 2PN Phone: 01788 522365
8.     Growing support in the Rugby area. Ideas of how best to do that on a very meagre budget. Leafleting is one option, but so far has not roused people to join ERTA. Richard has 4 blocks of leaflets needing younger volunteers to reliably deliver door-to-door north, south, east and west of the town centre. If willing to lead and coordinate please let Richard know by email
9.     Any Other Business:
a.             Kuljit suggested he would be willing to make representation to get us a discount at Wetherspoons since we use them often.
b.            Kuljit suggested a WhatsApp for ERTA people. Simon, David and Richard not keen, because we’re of an older age and not ofay with a lot more technology preferring email and telephone for communication. However, others are welcome to do it with Kuljit.
c.             Please read all emails and respond in a timely manner, as crucial we all work together.
d.            Richard to compile a GC Corridor New-Build Rail Link A4 outline strategy which gives options to help Kuljit. The public Meeting can be the hand-over to Kuljit to lead it.
e.             Kuljit asked about the vacancy of Chairman and this remains open for any Member and/or EC to apply, but must have a track record of engagement and reliable service. It is open to all. We work as a team respectively.
f.              Richard shared that in 4 years’ time he will be 60 and will be retiring. So is seeking people to hand on chunks of responsibility to and we need younger, keen and motivated people to come forward and do that for ERTA to carry on.
10.         Day, Date, Time and Place of next meeting: 3rd Saturday or 4th Saturday (whichever available) at the Rugby Quakers Meeting 2pm business. Please liaise with Richard on flyer delivery as he, David and Simon may not be able, but will attend the meeting and bring a sales stall.
a.             Market Harborough Public Meeting: Saturday 11th March from 2pm
Details: To discuss Northampton-Market Harborough (MH) rail link being restored and accentuated others including stations, Rugby-Leicester, Magna Park and Lutterworth.
Market Harborough Methodist Church/Hall, Northampton Road, Market Harborough, LE16 9HE  Opposite the Market Hall.
ERTA personnel will meet at the local Wetherspoons from 12 Noon. The venue is only a 5-minute walk from the Wetherspoon Pub. The Sugar Loaf: 01858 469231 18 High Street, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 7NJ
Local contact Cllr Peter James:
ERTA Contact: Mr Simon Barber, 20 Fitzherbert House, Kingsmead, Richmond, Surrey, TW10 6HT T. 0208 940 4399 E.
Note: ERTA has many other calls and we wish to grow a team to delegate these projects to take forward and court support. 

In short, if you want more, be prepared to be part of that and making it happen. Local people participation and local knowledge is indispensable.

Any volunteers, beit professional, elected or lay people, please let Richard Pill know: or to talk: 01234 330090
Yes the numbering section has gone slightly wrong in translating to Blogspot, but enough for people so minded to get the gist and get involved with us positively please.

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