Wednesday 25 May 2022

Great Central Corridor Re-Rail Project - a new railway for all!

25 May 2022

Press Release


Great Central Corridor New Rail Aspiration!


Given the HS2 project and other development has scuppered relaying track on the original Great Central Main Line, ERTA is of the view however, that a new domestic line along the corridor has merit, should be supported, studied and kept open as a viable option.


The new-build domestic rail link would leave the East-West Rail Link east of the proposed new Claydon Junction (linking Aylesbury with Milton Keynes) and west of built Claydon which is expanding as is most of the areas the new line would serve. It would go to the east of Brackley with a Parkway Station adjacent to the A43 with bus links to Silverstone.


A new Parkway Station at Rugby as an interim with phased incremental development or if a major backer sees the bigger picture and does ‘all in one’ as a whole project, a new-build link to the West Coast Main Line (WCML), Northampton Loop and Daventry International Rail Freight Terminal (DIRFT). A new link out of WCML via Magna Park, Lutterworth and linking the existing Leicester-Nuneaton lines in the Narborough area is envisaged.


The scope of the new railway is:

1. The immediate corridor between Old Oak Common-Calvert-Brackley-Rugby-Leicester/East Midlands.

2. Calvert – Rugby has a 3–5-mile population catchment of around 144, 000 plus through journeys and freight.

3. The scope of what this extra capacity creation railway could offer to road and rail enablement to do more by rail is a cordon of scope from London-Southampton-Bristol to Leicester/East Midlands and all in between.

“ERTA believes it is worth government, agencies and others taking an interest and we welcome a consortium of champion backers to buy into the idea and work it up towards delivery. HS2 of nature cannot serve intermediate places like Brackley, but upwards of 15, 000 population needs closer rail access, otherwise we just pour growth onto a road only agenda.” Said Richard Pill, ERTA Chairman and Media Spokesperson.


End of Press Release


Further comment: Mr Richard Pill, ERTA Chairman and Media Spokesperson 01234 330090/


Our meetings are open to all, so all welcome. 

Agenda for ERTA Great Central Corridor Re-Railing Project via Zoom: Colin Crawford (hosting a Great Central re-rail corridor Zoom Meeting: Mobile 07836-693977

E: on Thursday 7th July 1pm-3pm. He will send a link and help disseminate to potentially interested people. Richard to provide an agenda as a guide.

1. Appointment of a Chair for the meeting (Colin Crawford)

2. Apologies for absence

3. Update by Richard about what the project is and is not.

4. What we need to succeed and who, what and how supporters can get it (i.e., not solely Richard):

a. Route protection/recovery/realignment/new build sections

b. Raising funds for studies/encouraging others to study

c. Dedicated EEH Officer to make in-rails to their camp and influence them to support it, study it, poll people, talent and work towards delivery

d. Any offers to assist Richard in the effort (email/desktop style)

e. Any particular issues for and resolutions. See notes below:

5. Any reports on progress on Rugby (WCML)-Magna Park-Lutterworth-Narborough link up? Any offers to be our agent on that project and work with others to start progression towards delivery/secure the route/support/enablement?

6. Rugby Central. Yes, a new link via Barby to link with WCML/Northampton Loop/DIRFT needed, but could Rugby Central serve as a nodal Parkway status Station and terminal branch initially unless a big partner can deliver ‘all in one’?

7. Any other business (related)

8. Day, Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting, ideally a Saturday early September, not the 10th.


1. Note: we don’t want any dissent or against spiel, it is our policy to pursue it as far as it can go. If you support, get involved, if not, see the vacuum a modal shift needs and Climate Emergency and get out. We are trying to build a coalition of support, action and hope.

2. Too long has been spent delaying, deferring, denying and here, we must ruthlessly commit to supporting, engaging and enabling please.

3. Studies have been done via numerous outlets and the case was robust. Development has blocked, but I believe a route, a new railway to modern standards but not High Speed, able to deal with diverse passenger and freight capacity, can be found. If we do not bother, it defaults to roads, more roads, more congestion and ruins the landscape. We must act now.

4. Join our email loop via and join ERTA via


ERTA Agenda for Rugby Forum – Saturday 9 July 2pm food, 3pm -5pm business Rupert Brooke, 8-10 Castle Street, Rugby, Warks. CV21 2TP

1. Appointment of a Chair person for the meeting.

2. Sign the attendance list and welcome, saying names around the table.

3. ERTA Re-Rail Project: a brief guide to what it is about and what it is not – Richard Pill

4. The ERTA Need: more members, more offers to help, to build the local support base up and encourage support at all levels. How best YOU can help with that, as we are busy with many other aspects and things. A need for local people to own and engage with this matter.

5. Any progress/reports on Rugby-Lutterworth-Narborough (linkage for Leicester etc) inclusive of Magna Park?

6. Consideration of solutions to problems, remembering this is in all probability a new railway, built to modern standards and able to handle passenger and freight usage, contrast HS2 passenger only with no station between Solihull and Old Oak Common, however informed, it is both a gap and vacancy for a domestic railway to fill.

7. Getting England’s Economic Heartlands (EEH) and Connect Midlands agencies on board more/any volunteers to bridge between them for winning them over more to our way of thinking?

8. Route consideration:

a. coming off east-west rail east of new Claydon Junction, west of built Claydon in a context of development expansion a given?

b. A study is needed to getting around Brackley to the East with Parkway Station near A43

c. Woodford Halse is blocked and parish needs winning over – any volunteers.

d. Rugby Central as an interim nodal point terminus Parkway Station, with a new link via Barby to join Northampton Loop/WCML somehow, somewhere needs a specific study/phased, incremental assessment by professionals. Our job is to grow a team, recruit new members, bring people together and grow local support at all levels please.

8. Any other business

9. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting: Ideally a Saturday in October.

Please note: ERTA Central Officers can collaboratively foster willing hosts for meetings and as a result bring people together. Please encourage any interested people or organisations to email to join our loop and/or see our website for joining details/fill in a flyer.

The Executive Committee cannot be responsible to do it majoritively, to work, it must come from local people. EEH Website is:


The Pandemic left much undone as did distract, but now we are gradually getting together using zoom for some audiences and physical meetings for others. We do not wish to disenfranchise those not familiar with modern technology, and we aim to value contributions made by all who can contribute in some constructive way.

I attach 2 agendas for 2 meetings. Our meetings are open to all and so all welcome. They will not be going over the same old ground of should we or wait, rather, how to and get to or get out! Development is happening, Government has declared a Climate Emergency and we need a coherent coordinated endeavour to tailor development to protect a course for a new rail route and keep options 'open' more, whilst pressure and influence to encourage all tiers of governance, councils and agencies along with business and developers to invest in seeing what this new rail link could offer and make sustainable whilst balancing public utility with land-use policy and practise. Currently it is a free-for-all and whereas Victorians saw the need for bulk people and goods to go by rail, we have laissez-faire whereby anything goes, whether it is consistent with sustainability principles or not. That must change.

We need as many people as want to help, feel able to contribute, head up and front for us in the labyrinth of interfaces such a monumental challenge informs. It can be done and has to start now. 

In the early 1990's on a sponsored cycle ride, a display at the old Winslow Station, showed a need to support re-railing the Great Central corridor then and people were dismissive saying things like "if we can't get Aylesbury/Oxford-Milton Keynes, what chance Great Central"; but now of course, Oxford/Aylesbury - MIlton Keynes is not only on the cards, but being rebuilt. It is the Great Central corridor's turn, and had a little energy been spent to protect the corridor, we would be better off today as a result. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, efforts to reopen have come and gone, but we must learn, re-start where we are at and see the new opportunity. Essential for road and rail relief but needs acumen to draw-in bigger outlets to take an interest, do the studies we are not equipped to and court government support. It can be done and I welcome any support to help us make progress. We are facilitators and idea planters, but other folks can bridge between what we do and making it a reality please.

Saturday 14 May 2022

Lincolnshire Green? Dream on!

Lincolnshire Green? Dream on!

From early times in my voluntary rail campaigning career, it has been elements within the so-called ‘rail fraternity’ and ‘rail lobby’ who take it on themselves to go around talking about what can and cannot be done, what the limitations of rail ways (past), is (present) and may be (future). They have a can’t, don’t and won’t mentality. So on closures of the 1960’s for example, it happened, so cannot reopen with even existing tracks brought back to passenger use saying things like “I remain sceptical”. Many reopenings have happened since the mid 1980’s and trickling through, albeit with noticeable gaps beit funding, political focus or will and realities on the ground, which due to neglect are diverse as a jungle! 

The closures left some parts of the country more bereft than others and glaring gaps in the network exist. These ‘Jeremiah’s’ don’t just make a case for ‘can’t’ but also ‘don’t bother’. They and indeed the construe of a monster system, demand £50k studies before consideration (£40 billion roads budget by government is informed by government and those associated with roads, which command £million to spend). They demand trackbeds be 99% clear with bridges intact, if any is built on, lost or whatever, they insist “can’t be done” end of. 

Whatever you say, whatever you, a layman does, unless you have £millions to splash or are big business wearing the trousers, they dismiss your aspiration, you want, wish, hope and actions for public transport improvement as highly subjective to put it politely. I recall in 1986 some at a meeting in Milton Keynes saying things like “you’ll get Oxford-Milton Keynes as Bedford-Bletchley closes”, now these people are saying “the future of Bedford-Bletchley is bound up with East-West Rail!”. These patterns of negativity and weights on the campaigners’ shoulders, are multiplied nationwide sadly. Yes, there are the other extremes of High Speed it ‘the be-all’, hyperloop is the way ahead or unless £billions is budgeted for main-line standards, it is not going to work, get support, see the light of day. The sad thing is, from new stations (in some cases) to reopened lines, rebuilds and select new pieces of rail connectivity, as devil is in the detail, so these negatives become self-fulfilling prophecy. No money is another excuse from Whitehall, when £100 billion HS2 and £40 billion new roads can be found, so a matter of values, priorities and things versus people, places and inclusive values in practise, not just a P.R. ‘look-good’ presentational display.


So, we come to East Lincolnshire. We concur with some other campaigners, that the closure of the East Lincolnshire Line was a closure too far, ditto the March-Spalding Line. On Facebook and elsewhere, long discussions and heated debate of all and sunder of why rebuild or new build is never going to happen and yet, here is the rub; Lincolnshire County Council is engaged with Bypasses, Trunk Road Upgrades and road schemes left, right and centre across the whole county, whilst saying there’s no case or possibility of support for these rail-based aspirations? 

The absence of rail, means everything must go by road. The longer rail choice is denied, the more synthetic stats make a case for more roads spiralling upwards with land-take and congestion; so we are right in my view to plug rail within our meagre resources, to conjoin with other like-minds and demand rail, for modal choice and the environments/quality of life’s sake. Could for example a new alignment west of March to somewhere near west of Spalding be considered and done? You may not get into Grimsby via the old route, now assumed by the widened A16, but could an alternative be found which gives Grimsby a new rail link going south alongside the trunk road artery, reducing traffic and giving more options for people and goods? The Werrington Duck-under at Peterborough is good, but a long way round from Ely-Spalding to get to and from Doncaster. 

Lincoln needs more capacity for better passenger services. How do we get from negative introversion to positive solutions to major problems? We need to lobby MP’s and Councils to get on board, help round-table for pooling resources and courting funding for looking at solutions to re-railing challenges and progressing. We need Government to reform the system demands and do some homework for the sake of choice, communities and giving these relatively deprived areas a rail-fixed-asset life-line, literally. Modal shift is vital to cut emissions and Government has declared a Climate Emergency, so must have its bluff called at least, to take its words seriously. It is to be hoped as some of this may sink in, what of the future, that Lincolnshire can one day proudly underscore the word ‘Green’, not as a reference just to cloth colours, but sustainable transport and communities as well please. Let that be a 21st Century Hallmark for Rail Lincs!

Enter discussions around this: What next? An extension encompassing a Louth Parkway Station? We rule nothing out.

Monday 2 May 2022

ERTA Events until Mid October as at 09-05-2022. Enquiries welcome: T. 0208 940 4399, E.

2022 Programme Update 09-05-2022

ERTA Stall at Bedford Antiques & Collectables Fair – Saturday 4 June 10am – 3:30pm

St. Paul’s Church, St. Paul’s Square, Bedford MK40 1SQ
Admission £1.50

Please visit the ERTA stall and show your support. Thank you.

Bedford Forum – Tuesday 14 June 2022 2pm food, 3-5pm business

Pilgrim’s Progress, 42 Midland Road, Bedford, Beds.MK40 1QB 

Enquiries to: 

ERTA Stall at Bedford Antiques & Collectables Fair – Saturday 2 July 10am – 3:30pm

St. Paul’s Church, St. Paul’s Square, Bedford MK40 1SQ
Admission £1.50

Please visit the ERTA stall and show your support. Thank you.

·                    We welcome offers of support, assistance and ‘light touch’ volunteering.

·                    Please make yourself known to us, join ERTA and find your niche/new calling!


Colin Crawford hosting a Great Central re-rail corridor Zoom Meeting on Thursday 7th July 1pm-3pm. He will send a link and help disseminate to potentially interested people. Richard to provide an agenda as a guide.

Rugby Forum – Saturday 9 July 2pm food, 3pm -5pm business

Rupert Brooke, 8-10 Castle Street, Rugby, Warks. CV21 2TP

London Forum – Saturday 13 August 2pm food, 3pm-pm business: Barrel Vault, Unit 23, St Pancras International Station, Pancras Road, London N1C 4QP.  

ERTA Ampthill-Flitwick Forum: Saturday 10th September 1pm food, 2pm – 4pm business. All welcome. Venue: The Swan Pub at Flitwick (opposite the rail station and local bus stops round the corner. Ample parking. The Swan Pub, 1 Dunstable Road, Flitwick, Bedfordshire, MK45 1HP T: 01525 754777 E:

Berkhamsted Meeting – Saturday tba  October 12pm food (Wetherspoons: ) 2-3pm AGM, 3-5pm Public Meeting at Venue St Peters Court House, St Peter's Great Berkhamsted, Church Lane, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, HP4 2AX

Station Stalls and leafleting helpers wanted! 2022

Email Simon Barber for details and offers to assist: – we need one a month from May (late) to October including Marylebone – what action? Bedford Midland, Milton Keynes Central, Richmond, Northampton, Rugby x anywhere else/Horsham? Sort it asap please x a programme and email in date order, time and place and ensure Colin is available for cloth.

Notes for Physical Meetings:
1. Subject to verification. Venues may change or be cancelled at short notice. Stay in touch.
2. People attend at their own risk. Everyone pays for their own food and drink.
3. There is a pre-pared agenda, please help focus on the pertinent issues.

Additional Notes:

1. Zoom Diary Zoom needed for Leicester/Great Central/Northampton-Market Harborough. Any offers to be a host please contact

2. West of England Zoom Host needed inclusive of Ross-on-Wye call, Southampton-Reading-West Midlands issues and related. Didcot-Southampton is not a goer.

3. Devon and Dorset reopenings like Seaside resorts and more freight by rail including Falmouth Deep Sea Dock expansion potential and branch upgrade to boot?

These Zoom facilitations could be done one May, June and July for example.

4. We need new volunteers for St Paul’s lunch relief especially, marketing assistance, clerical support for the Chairman and reliable leafleteers to inform a team. These are top needs-must and then Local Government Liaison Office to help do consultations, advocate reopenings and both trackbed watch and make the case for route and realignment provision. See our reopenings pamphlet for top focuses. Work with EC and current key routes we are most concerned about like Guildford-Horsham-Shoreham and Polegate-Stone Cross avoiding line.

Main contact and convenor: Mr Simon Barber, 20 Fitzherbert House, Kingsmead, Richmond, Surrey, TW10 6HT T. 0208 940 4399, E.

Just a reminder that ERTA will be having a stall at St Paul's Antiques and Collectors Fair in Central Bedford. Please come and bring friends and family. It is £1.50 to get in, lots to see, plenty to talk about and engage with. Please bring your cash as well to buy things! 

E. for ERTA Stall enquiries.