Wednesday 29 September 2021

Letter from the Minister!

The Government found £27 billion for new roads, a mere £500 million for Rail Reopenings Fund. We need to cut the 'middle man' of bureaucracy, high sided costs of demand for studies and get straight on with delivery. This is a Climate Emergency, land is a precious resource and time on numerous fronts is running out. The Government seem to be part time on these issues and rail seen as 'existing fine, new... steady on there!" sort of attitude. Land must be set aside for protecting routes for new local-conventional rail links across the regions of Britain, currently at best we have a trickle, but no where near what a 'Reverse Beeching Plan' should or would look like ... another 'social care plan' which never existed/was half-baked... why are we waiting if 'ready to go'? No the Government needs to be held to account and nothing stopping opposition parties producing their own reopenings plans and again shaming the government over spin, false dawns and expectations informing chaos on the roads and inadequate rail resilliance to tap into markets door-2-door. Local deliveries by road remain essential, however, lion's share could be done by rail if only the glaring gaps in our rail network were addressed now! Join our email loop: and consider getting involved. Write a reply to the Minister and copy in your local MP. Ask us if unsure.

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