Tuesday 14 September 2021

Bedford Area Forum (BAF)

Our Bedford Area Forum commences tomorrow, for future invites, join our free email loop via requests to richard.erta@gmail.com. For our other Autumn events which are open to all are on our website's web page: https://ertarail.co.uk/events/ Please have a check and tune in/tap in where you can. We welcome zoom attendees for the forth-coming conference.

We are seeking to build support across the regions, but given we started in Bedford originally, our commitment to not just retain a presence, but interject pro-positively ideas and suggestions which may be adopted and build a team who can work loosely together for such things and bigger and better events, teaming up transport-wise for attending stalls at events and much more, we are leafleting and welcome helpers who can solo leaflet reliably key areas of Bedford and surrounds. 

Leafleting is good exercise, you can hear the birds and give everyone the right to decide whether they agree or to give support via membership in the privacy of their own homes/areas. More the merrier as per assistants in administration, committee work and experience and other CV fillers and we do welcome all offers of help, assistance and support. Some can be fronting, some desktop or remote host and others a mixture. Find your feet, and together we can do more. We have top focuses on Northampton, Great Central Corridors, Guildford-Horsham-Shoreham and a roving interest including Herts and London. Places like Luton, London, Herts, Oxford and Rugby/Leicester will benefit if we succeed. Things are happening, but it is a trickle rather than flow - see last newsletter for more insight. But it all starts and stops with a growing membership, paying the way and active assistant volunteers to inform more and expansion as well as follow up quality improvements. So everyone matters, everyone can make a difference and I hope that is positive! Moreover a kind person is helping to sponsor a leaflet drive and providing we can provide manual support, will enable our message to get out that much more. No, not so high-tech, but can be effective, politicians don't waste their options either! https://dma.org.uk/article/what-is-the-response-rate-from-leaflet-distribution

Minutes from ERTA Bedford Area Group Forum Tuesday 14th September 14.00 hrs


Present: Leonard Lean, David Ferguson and Richard Pill


1. Apologies for absence: Simon Barber, Colin Crawford

2. Notes of previous meeting (if any): We mused as how the gap between either side of the pandemic had none-the-less seen progress, changes or not accordingly.

a. High Street being narrowed road-wise, with slightly extended pavement space in places. This is something we have called for, but stops short of complete pedestrianisation and does not provide contra or direction flow cycle/scooter lanes, so encroachment on pavements still an issues and hazard for pedestrians in a busy area. No bus provision either = a 20-minute walk from the High Street and Bedford Midland Railway Station with no bus links between the two.

b. Bedford-Corby electric trains now run with calls for wide and fuller Midland Main Line electrification aplenty.

c. East-West Rail must cater for freight and be fully electrified from day one. It was noted that if it went via old route entering Bedford via St John’s lands then it curves north to face Bedford Midland, out to Northampton and/or Leicester south curve for Nuneaton et al; then current political fix Route E does not provide for this at the design stage in any way shape or form.

d. It was agreed we should flag up in say consultations and other feedback, that Midland Road gives a poor image of the town as a principal route to/from the railway station, is tatty, not pedestrian/user friendly, anti-social, run down and should be treated akin to the High Street as a priority for a make-over with improvements.

Minutes proposed by Leonard and Seconded by David.

3. Consideration of the Bedford flyer: Approved and it was noted Stephen Sleight is putting £30 x 2 into ads on 2 local flyers Richard and David would respectively deliver.

4. St Paul’s Stall Report and plug: £35 August, £10.60 September. Next stall – a double table – is 2nd October 10am-3pm and ideally, we need 2 volunteers in addition to Richard, please email Richard with offers, especially either 10.30am-12.30 and / or 12 noon – 2pm to cover am and lunch. Security awareness a useful thing as is ability to make eye contact and speak clearly. We are there to promote ERTA and raise money. E. richard.erta@gmail.com with offers. See this link for other details: https://www.antiques-atlas.com/antique_fair/bedfordshires_antiques_collectors_fair_st_pauls/af2055

5. Volunteers for ERTA in the Bedford area: Richard and David so far for leafleting, but need more. Simon to be asked to contact specific Bedford Bureau and try and raise more support esp. reliable assistants for leafleting, clerical work, Forum attendance and general collaboration.

6. Campaigns:

a. Kempston Retail Station on Bedford-Bletchley Rail Link: It was agreed this is a good idea. Unsure about meeting at Mulberry Bush unless we have more support/people to swell presence. Maybe as an extension meeting in 2022.

b. Stations North of Bedford – Sharnbrook, Irchester, Desborough, Kibworth (Leicester is cut off): Desborough: David to contact local town council and ascertain the latest policy on a station and site and raise it for inclusion at the Leicester Forum with Richard Clarke and also incorporation/offering a liaison with CRIL for mutual benefit.

c. Ampthill Station – exact same model as proposed Wixams, both have own merits and we need both: It needs a fresh initiative and new people. Maybe a leaflet relaunch in 2022?

d. Better and integrated buses – railway station/bus station inclusion, Railway Station-High Street loop service: It was agreed as per the leaflet we need a circular bus from Bedford Midland Station, linking the bus station, the High Street and maybe Borough Hall and back either Prebend Street/Ashburnham Road or Horn Lane, Midland Road/Ashburnham Road?

e. Traffic reduction, pedestrian and cycle segregated support/progression: Midland Road should be revamped and bear these issues in mind.

7. Green Fair: Cancelled due to a lack of money and active, able people currently. Leafleting may change the dynamics. Current goals are: leafleting Bedford, holding the bi-monthly forum to feed into, doing the St Paul’s Stall reliably and seeing how that works is as much as we can manage for now, notwithstanding more and younger people coming on board i.e., 18-60 years old for example and proving reliable.

8. Marston Vale Railway – timetable, trains running, reliability, plans and updates. Stephen Sleight says Bank Holiday services are running, but not Sundays currently. However, part time train-bus cacophony and this needs to stop with just trains taking the strain in a reliable all-day manner we felt.

9. Any Other Business: None.

10. Date, Time, Place of next Forum Tuesday 9th November 2pm food, 3pm-5pm business via Pilgrims Progress, Bedford. All welcome – please help spread the word.

Meet at the back of the Pilgrims Progress Wetherspoons under the stairs/merge two tables together if possible/notify Richard of numbers in advance. The Pilgrim’s Progress, 01234 363751 42 Midland Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK40 1QB https://www.jdwetherspoon.com/pubs/all-pubs/england/bedfordshire/the-pilgrims-progress-bedford e. richard.erta@gmail.com All welcome.

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