Wednesday 21 July 2021

Northampton Rail Development, Bedford links and associated matters

The English Regional Transport Association (ERTA) supports more freight by rail, the targeted decluttering of existing roads. M1 (which goes London-Luton-Milton Keynes-Northampton-Leicester - there is no joined up corresponding rail equivalent currently); for example often comes to a standstill with long tailbacks. This cannot be sustainable, however judged? We need the rail alternative to be relevant and determined to carry more. Capacity is needed on the rails and for the rail network to be more comprehensive for enabling small to large consignments of freight and people to more and more be enabled to make rail a natural choice for conveyance.

Northampton, a geographically central location, has north-south and east-west radial roads, but no east-west rails. Daventry International Rail Freight Terminal (DIRFT), a new Northampton Depot serviced off the existing Northampton Loop line are two outlets for road-rail interfaces. There has been a study which showed promise for a new build Northampton-Market Harborough rail link, this would enable East Midlands/Felixstowe-Northampton and with East-West Rail, Oxford-Milton Keynes-Northampton rail access for more people and goods. In a context of growth, these more and better local, conventional rail links are essential. There is a bid for funding to study the Bedford-Northampton rail corridor. Alas, Olney is lost to us, so a new deviation between the Stevington Walk and west of Castle Ashby Estate/Compton Estate would be required with some negotiation. This is potentially a chance to correct the flaws of 19th century speculative design and tap new, wider audiences.

Meanwhile, with the support of the Brackmills Industrial Estate, we are seeking to get the line re-railed from Northampton Castle Station to Great Houghton and a shuttle passenger service restored for better access for wider audiences for people to access the jobs on offer, access Delapre Abbey complex, the new Waterside University of Northampton Campus and much more. We would welcome support and interest for this project please. Brochure attached. We hold regular Zoom Meetings for this matter and associated network development - please encourage people to sign up for these and other of our meetings:

If a Bedford rail link is established, it can bolt on to the Brackmills branch being re-railed and upgraded accordingly. The Brackmills Branch could allow once dropped off passenger trains to wait over on a siding a turn for going back north, likewise freight maneuvers and running around trains, off through tracks. The Brackmills Branch may court freight to rail from parcels to containers, all academic if no rails in situ. We need support please. The vision can be grasped now, but unless the corridor is protected and not built on, it could be lost to non rail purposes and that would scupper any access to the Northampton Loop from the east. Likewise, the East-West Rail project needs a east-north curve to access the link to Northampton. There is currently no design from Northern Route E for this. However, were our proposed route adopted:
a. physical rail connectivity at Tempsford off the East Coast Main Line as well as east-west rail going west via new build to old trackbed in the Willington area and old route into Bedford via St John's from the east, then with a remodelled access approach and through Bedford Midland could head off going north and west respectively and vice versa.
b. No east-north curves exist at Bletchley, Bicester or Oxford. This limits potential and curtails market share to rail.
These things should be born in mind whilst at the design stages.
c. The pdf document East West Rail - Central Section
Conditional Outputs Statement, East West Rail Consortium
Final Report, 8 August 2014 page 64 references Bedford-Northampton interestingly.

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