Tuesday 20 July 2021

ERTA Supports Rebuilding the Harrogate-Ripon-Northallerton Rail Link for Modal Shift back to Rail.

The A61 goes more or less the same route as the former railway Harrogate-Ripon-Northallerton. Modal shift from road is badly needed at local and regional and indeed, as part of a nationwide effort to declutter congestion, cut emissions and get people and goods more efficiently moved and give more options. ERTA is playing a part. Route protection is badly needed, but the overriding need for rail choice means ploughing through 'here's the cheque, move please' is the new order in a context of Climate Emergency and the dereliction of duty to protect these strategic rail routes in the first place. Local commuting, wider travel, freeing up capacity into and changing at York for everything, freight by rail and new flows boosting existing service demand patterns should chime well. Join ERTA and help us pioneer advocacy of this rail link being restored as a modern, local, conventional rail link. It makes a tonne of sense! We badly need modal shift from road to rail and this reopening/rebuild/new build needs ploughing through for regional linkages. Please give us support, especially if you live north of Leicestershire! https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/transport/how-re-opening-harrogate-northallerton-line-could-link-10-cities-leeds-bradford-airport-1743437

Join ERTA to boost our ability to do more potentially: https://ertarail.co.uk/become-a-member/

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