Monday 26 April 2021

ERTA Guildford and South East Zoom Meeting

ERTA Guildford and South East Zoom Meeting

Dear Friends, Colleagues and Elected Representatives,

I attach details of our forthcoming Zoom Meeting 8th May 14.00 hours. All Welcome/Open to all. To register please contact Mr Iain Sear and for copies of pdf agendas attached to send to others, request via me please

Our effort depends on available human and other resources being available. As lock down is lifted, we hope to resume some physical meetings alongside.

The Guildford-Horsham-Shoreham rail corridor should be seen as a strategic corridor and investment to study the case, protect from development blight and keep the option open for what it could offer regionally and locally should be a top priority of every agency, council tier and MP's and we court the public also to that end. 

Relief to the Brighton Main Line, new travel journey opportunities and here we have calls for a Heathrow rail link from Woking, but not an equivalent the other direction south of Guildford to Cranleigh, Horsham and Shoreham for Brighton and these audiences vice versa to Guildford, Heathrow and Reading. Whatever the entrenched views on Guildford and capacity, calling at and going onto somewhere clears platforms for the next arrival and so forth, should make some common sense and thus more destinations to and from should be seen as expedient.

In the recovery, footfall and spend will be a contribution better public transport can make. ERTA is flagging up an opportunity, if it is blocked, recovery will be much harder, therefore, please write in support of the railway to your local MP's. Local Councils are best placed to do audits and lists. Work with us, please do take a lead. The future of green, sustainable public transport is in the balance. Let's work to keep options open. Agenda attached. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Pill
ERTA Chairman.

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