Thursday 1 April 2021

Consultation on East-West Rail - act now and demand inclusion of options missed out in 2019

Consultation on: 

I don't think as many people oppose the railway per se, but the Northern Route 'E' presents particular issues, problems and practical challenges. ERTA has preferred that consultations include the original route out of St John's with realignments at Willington and north of Blunham (new build on embankment) to cross River Ivel and A1 to enter the Tempsford Flood Plains from the South West. Route E Northern Route puts all through Bedford Midland 

(has capacity issues already), 

has a flood plain and blockages getting off the Midland Main Line to the foot and incline up hills, has a load of residential areas to compulsory purchase and get through or tunnel under (cost) and then negotiating the new model Black Cat Roundabout with getting over the River Great Ouse and entering the Tempsford Flood Plain from the north westerly direction. Again, we want physical rail connectivity with rails linking physically with the East Coast Main Line so that diverse trains from Peterborough, Stevenage, East Bedfordshire and Cambridge can link to Bedford and beyond to the whole Oxford corridor. The original route flounders on these issues:

a. Getting across Cardington Road
b. Getting across Priory Park Marina Entrance
South of Blunham and North of Sandy is screened off with more housing. 
But you have to pit those issues and costs with the Northern Route. The original route with deviations as we have suggested, is flat, builds partly on original built railway formation, apart from bridges, may be less cost, does not intrude on built environment and in any case much less than Route E, Northern Route. It may well be cheaper, less upheaval and less opposed as a result, making delivery quick and enabling any freight to go east-west, not put all through the Bedford Midland Station platforms, taking capacity needed for other services on a north-south axis. ERTA has suggested twin bays bolted on to the current 1A bay platform at Bedford MIdland for passenger trains to turn around. Our view is that at least the two route options should be worked up and presented and 'let the people decide'. 
Has anyone seen any intended map or diagram of Bedford Midland with new tracks, platform reconfiguration? Again, it should be in the public domain by now, so everyone can dissent or sign up to the changes. This dearth is at the heart of any ignorance, naivety or real opposition. 
Please support ERTA where you think you may.
Bedford Borough Council/ Dave the Mayor, please include us in your output loop on East-West Rail, Bedford Midland and associated issues. Bedford does not need cheaper petrol, it needs public transport alternatives that link up and add up!
Yours sincerely,

Richard Pill
ERTA Chairman
Please join or donate to ERTA: 

Our thanks to Mr Iain Sear for assisting with working up our diagrams. We are not perfect, but give an rough idea of what we advocate if only some with power would listen and work with us more please. You can help us by joining ERTA:

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