Sunday 15 November 2020

Great Central Railway Reopening Project - Support it now, don't let it be thrown away when we really need it!

Notes from ERTA Great Central Meeting Friday 13th November. Disclaimer: Please note, these are notes taken during the meeting and whilst seeking to be accurate, are a guide and not formal per se. I have had to use a new sequestration of numbering to that of the agenda in some cases.


Present: Richard Pill (Chairman), Owen O’Neill (Zoom Facilitator), Simon Barber, Colin Crawford, Cllr Richard Auger, John Harrison, Harry Burr, Peter McBeath and Cllr Rupert Frost and Kathy Keeley.


1. Convenors Welcome and any preliminaries: Richard welcomed people to the meeting.

2. Apologies for absence: Sam Peach, Mike Reed, Cllr Mike Cockerill, Cllr Mark Graves, Cllr Philip King, Cllr Peter James, Cllr Tim Douglas, Cllr Martin Tett.

3. Report from Mr Sam Peach on progress so far followed by discussion: Report from Mr Sam Peach was read by Simon Barber.  Since last meeting Sam has met with Anthony Swift of England’s Economic Heartlands (EEH), Their focus is on east-west transport links. Sam has been doing research on transport along the Great Central Route. Northants County Council produced 2 documents Page 30-33 Rail Strategy Doc ‘Fit for purpose’ (?) 2013 circa. It has a bit on north-south links. Cost in 2013 but under considerations given we are nearly 10 years on from the assumptions of these old docs. North Northants Planning Unit has also been engaged with. There will be a general review of policy to bring things up to date. Anthony Swift advised Sam to look at South Midlands Multi Modal Study which is about 15 years old. Next steps are to build the economic and social case. A discussion then followed: Sam’s study to include:

a. assessment of households along the route

b. economic benefit of re-railing

c. re-railing costs

d. freight/new to rail benefits and capacity creation for more by rail elsewhere too

e. Sam will seek MP and Council interest

f. will also read transport docs released by councils.

4. Discussion was had on Mr Chris Heaton-Harris MP, MP Daventry area and Rail Minister.  Remembering that MP’s and getting them on board (Andrea Leadsom, South Northants, Chris Heaton-Harris, Daventry, Mark Pawsey, Rugby, Alberto Costa, Lutterworth, Narborough).

Harry Burr, a resident from Towcester has run a campaign for a station on the existing West Coast Main Line (WCML) at Weedon near Daventry as a Parkway Station for the town. It had courted media and widespread coverage and popular support. We congratulated him on his sterling efforts and wished him well. He is just 13 years old, but given Daventry is one of the largest towns without a station, is a much deserving candidate to be taken seriously for better rail connectivity.

5. A discussion was then had around Northampton-Market Harborough:

Pros for the rail link were things like:

a. Brixworth – 10, 000 new houses to be built, and with an average of 2.5 cars per household, that traffic along the A508 will end up being congested at Northampton or elsewhere adding to a problem.

b. The rail link would enable East Midlands-DIRFT freight and beyond access

c. Would link as part of a through link between Oxford-Milton Keynes-Northampton-Leicester/East Midlands and vice versa, shaving time, opening more by rail journey opportunities

d. Would take on M1 (Northampton-Leicester) giving rail choice currently not available.

Against it was felt:

a. Local People don’t want it / object

b. Chris Heaton-Harris (who may have been written to) is against it

c. A cycle track occupies much of the route/now used for non-rail purposes

Owen O’Neill said that for that, GC and other projects, there needs to be Assessment of Benefits including Economic. Discussion was had with Cllr Rupert Frost.

It was mooted that in rail choice terms, GC approaches Leicester from the western flank of M1, Northampton-Market Harborough on the eastern flank.

Richard Auger said some have ‘silo views. There’s a need to link to 1. Local Strategic Plans – rail links and connectivity and 2. Government – where it wants to go on it. A discussion was had. On the one hand that is fine, but if Government sits on fence in policy/action terms like the disparity of funding for new roads v rail reopenings they go against the environment whereas the whole issue we want is more environmentally-friendly transport able to carry bulk people and goods and save land for other things. Some people call Northampton-Market Harborough Railway as ‘Brampton Valley Railway’.

It was felt Climate Change/Climate Change Emergency was an important aspect for these rail links.

It was said there is a need to break a project down to chunks. Segment Leicester to Rugby/Rugby-Leicester/Narborough – Owen O’Neil showed slides of the lie of the land and his proposal of a new-build rail serving Magna Park and Lutterworth and as an option was broadly welcomed to be shored up and promoted. If someone comes up with a Plan B, providing the demand and market can sustain it, we have no real problem with such.

6. Peter McBeath interjected on demand aspects by warning that ports are being dredged for larger container carrying ships for 23, 000 container carriage docking and want to use rail majoritively to serve their land carriage. That sends ripples of demand-supply of capacity and pinch points will need sorting, new rails and links will be given impetus and this is happening now and going forward, not some longevity luxury of decades. So, it raises questions of rail capacity and readiness. We will need lines like Great Central to help cater for it all sustainably.

7. Richard Pill, Chairing the meeting laid the cards of ERTA on the table: we can facilitate meetings, bring people together, campaign within resources and nurture volunteers to inform a team who in turn can take and do what is necessary as per Sam Peach to take projects on to a next stage. However, we do not have the resources to commission £100, 000+ studies to tick all boxes. It is for professionals to conjoin and invest in their (private) and nations (Government tiers) interests. It is not about our Executive Committee taking on more work, rather realising new volunteers and them in turn expanding our ideas and working them to fruition/variables on themes included.

8. Key benefits: It was felt environmental land use, route protection to keep options open amidst development bombardments not made to take rail intent into consideration per se and winning over the national political biases. Mr Simon Barber has a Westminster Team and volunteers are welcome to sign up and collaborate with him.

9. Peter McBeath made the point that ports expansion and more trains demand scale.  We need more capacity and alternative routes. Richard said that the scope we felt for the Great Central re-railing (see map) was Southampton/Bristol-Leicester/East Midlands and all in between. With M40 on the west, M1 on the east, it is a critical corridor to re-rail giving capacity elsewhere. Southampton trains have hot spots at Reading and the Reading/Didcot-Leamington Lines were heavily used, getting to East Midlands direct and from it without recourse to Birmingham or London would be a boost for rail and more by rail potentially. ERTA had been seeking discussions with a number of operators and developers into distribution. Convergys, Gazeleys and it was recommended we seek to get ASDA Board on board. Could it be that Owen’s Rugby-Leicester section is the appetiser which brings buy-in for more south of Rugby beit Banbury and/or Calvert for access to wider links to/from?

10. Segmental Status’ – as well as the big picture of what we are trying to achieve with variations on a theme.

a. John Harrison pointed to freight proposal for rail freight terminal near Hinkley off the Leicester-Nuneaton Line, which could potentially benefit from the GC link or variations on a theme from the south.

b. Calvert-Woodford Halse. It was suggested that getting a domestic line alongside the HS2 corridor to serve Brackley area with bus links to Silverstone was a project in itself with options to Aylesbury, OOC and Oxford for 2-way commuting for example. Woodford Halse is next up and as a nodal point of area reference, the connectivity and mutual feed of any Banbury-Daventry-Northampton arcing rail link would intercept GC corridor and interlinking should be considered. One suggestion was for Banbury-Rugby (Rugby is a sectional study issue of access) as a shorter link to achieve than going Oxford-Calvert etc. ERTA is open-minded, but the Brackley issue, with A43 and expansion remains to be addressed. Simon said he wanted a meeting with Colin and Brackley Town Council to try and establish common ground. Woodford does have some blockages which various opponents have flagged up. Land and growth – we need route protection and Plan B to be adopted with a conversion from opposition or neutrality to pro-affirma support for the rail. Discussions with Parishes was to be welcomed to foster good relations and appreciation of what a railway could offer and Simon to seek a meeting with Woodford Halse P.C. too.

c. Woodford-Willoughby. Re-railing Great Central has the issue of Catesby Tunnel and the wind tunnel use of it. Parish Clerk against re-railing options.

d. Getting into Rugby required yes, Rugby to be on board but also, studies on best options. ERTA has a view.

11. MP’s et al. See elsewhere.

12. Overall it was felt:

a. Getting ASDA on board and similar was worth pursuing:

- ASDA Executive – can they input strategically

- insights

- how to take things forward

- Invest in studies

Be a conjoiner to projects

b. demand and assessment led not just of today, but future forecasting with a 10-year scope. What will it be without the railway, what contribution could a railway make positively?

c. Putting together a business case, getting professional support – City of London and then Westminster. KPMG was mentioned. But we have to have a good business case first to interest them as investors.

d. Get Amazon on board – they need to start using rail. Warehouses the size of football pitches springing up everywhere. Simon/Colin to approach these bodies for preliminary sounding out.

e. Look at Local Distribution Networks and Karl Watts – get him on board as focuses on Parcels by Rail Services.

13. Owen O’Neil happy to assist with Rugby-Leicester focus after February and collaborate with Sam Peach.

14. No other business.

15. Date of next Zoom Meeting 29th January 2021 15.00 hours.

Meeting finished 15.40 Richard thanked all for attending.

Note: Clearly a need for focuses respectively. ERTA has a view, a wish, a plan but can only interject ideas, it is for professionals and those so orientated to take on board, work up and court wider support. We support Great Central corridor re-railing with variations on a theme and rebuilding a new Northampton-Market Harborough rail link and will table meetings and direct activists and would-be campaigners to those ends as our contribution. People are welcome to join ERTA as members and offer to volunteer to help us. To register for the next Great Central Zoom Meeting, please contact Mr Simon Barber Mr Simon Barber: T. 0208 940 4399, E. Please encourage others to get involved and liaise with us. My loop via is ‘open to all’.

ERTA can:

1. Facilitate Zoom Meetings

2. Plant Ideas

3. Bring people together

4. Make suggestions

5. Input to consultations

6. Network

7. Head hunt professionals elected or in business who can take an interest and move the propositions on to the next stage.


Interim we do need:

1. Local and Government (all tier) support for route protection and realignment/deviation spaces

2. People to join ERTA as Members - helping us

3. Offer time and talent as volunteers - things like website maintenance skills, designing maps and diagrams for general use and helping inform a team more to take on stewardship and growing support for the bigger picture of re-railing, with local chunks acting as patchwork places for growing and nurturing collaboration.

The issues are massive, but what if we do not re-rail? More development means more traffic and congestion with pollution and then what? So, now and going forward, in all interests to cooperate and take heads out of the sand.

Please note, all discussions on Northampton-Market Harborough rail link are held on the Northampton Meetings. If you wish to also register for that meeting contact Mr Simon Barber respectively.

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