Monday 2 November 2020

ERTA Update November 2020

Good news, that despite lock-down we continue to work around positively with Zoom and Skype Meetings. Indeed, we are drawing in more people via this new-to-us technology than physical meetings tend to do and are saving on cost and time in venue fixtures and associated publicity. 

Highlights include a successful conference on-line with 17 delegates and excellent speakers covering a span of rail user and infrastructure enhancement subjects. Our next conference on 'Route Protection and Rail Reopenings' will be Saturday 24th April 2021, fine details being worked out. 

We welcome Mr Sam Peach as our lead volunteer for heading up our Great Central re-rail corridor endeavour and he hopes to grow a team to cover various aspects over a period of time and is beavering away. 

We also welcome Ms Sara Homer, CEO of the Brackmills Industrial Estate who has agreed to head up the Re-Rail Brackmills Branch Project. Sara is very well connected and seeks to grow a coalition for joint working and getting delivery underway. Again another positive step forward which our endeavours over the years has produced some fruit.

There's always more, including our campaign for Guildford-Horsham rail link and we are now seeking to grow support for Northampton-Market Harborough and soon hope to launch our Retail Park Station Kempston Report and are collaborating with Mr Stephen Sleight of the MVR Community Rail Partnership to a step by step approach to gather support with delivery again, being the goal not waffle!

The endeavour continues and ERTA is working to bring about real improvements so that as and when we do emerge from this terrible virus, we have stepping stones to recovery economically with the environment built-in, not a rear mirror view as we join endless queues of congestion.

So despite the gloom, much to celebrate. Please join with us and keep in touch.

E. for a copy pdf of our newsletter. Thanks.

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