Friday 5 June 2020

Cambridge needs a rail-based solution to ease congestion, cut pollution, sustain footfall and spend more.

Comment: For a seat of learning, the Cambridge 'mess' epitomises the health of campaigning but also the power of superimposition. #ertarail fully supports the East-West Rail Link Central Section from Bedford-Cambridge and is opposed to proliferated Guided Busways and developments which would make that rail proposition harder to deliver or implement. Please join our email loop and help usher delivery sooner than later. Cambridge is congested, bus solutions have only taken us so far, roads solutions have locked-in congestion and given rise to more by road compounding the congestion, land use parking demand when land is premium and pollution takes a toll also. Trams/LRT has been mooted, but all costs and where's the funding coming from? Tolling motorways and trunk roads and allowing local transport agencies a share of takings could be one answer, but their plans have to be sustainable and on the right lines = rail based transport, not rubber on hard surfaces emitting particles. Send email requests to our loop to

5th June 2020

Press Release


Cambridge needs a rail-based solution to ease congestion, cut pollution, sustain footfall and spend more.


The English Regional Transport Association (ERTA) supports the proposed East-West Rail project between Oxford, Bedford and Cambridge. A new route was proposed earlier in 2020 and we await to see detailed designs. However also, that corridor needs protection and conservation to ensure the railway has a viable corridor. It is intended to serve both Cambourne and Cambridge South Stations (alias Addenbrookes).


We deeply regret the touted go-ahead for a Guided Busway across country to Cambourne and possible associated infill development. Development without a rail foundation is unsustainable and could cause more problems than it solves. Over the decades, Cambridge has had a plethora of road initiatives, Guided Busways but rail schemes have not had their fair turn in what they could offer, alleviate local and regional roads more!


We call on all tiers of Government and associated agencies to speed up delivery of the East-West Rail especially between Bedford and Cambridge and call for re-doubling efforts to re-rail Wisbech and Haverhill as well. If routes are lost, new routes need to be found. But it is a fact that rubber on hard surfaces produce particulates we all have to breathe alongside congestion which exacerbates the health issues associated with locked-in road transport solutions.


People are welcome to join our email loop and work with us to support rail alternatives across the English Regions. Send requests to Mr Richard Pill via


End of Press Release


Further comment: Mr Richard Pill, Chairman of ERTA and Media Spokesperson 01234 330090 or

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