Sunday 24 May 2020

DfT Rail Reopenings Fund - Taking it forward

Good news for others, which ones should we be focusing on for moving towards bids for funding/read criterion. Solicit MP/Local Council support/let them lead the bid:
1. Great Central Calvert-Rugby-Narborough
2. March-Spalding
3. Northampton-Bedford
4. Guildford-Horsham-Shoreham
5. Gloucester-Ross-Hereford
These are our top 5 I believe. Others elsewhere are covering other projects and can make their own bids. We can progress towards the bid and that gives us a focus, taking the public with us as we go. It is positive, so question is, can we arise to the challenge. No. 2 the MP is supportive, but councils aren't much. No. 1, Chris Heaton Harris MP Daventry is on the patch of GC as well as Minister of State. No. 5 is early days yet but a round at some point is to be envisaged. No. 3 - again when unlock happening and we start meeting, working with people-on-the-ground etc is the way to go as long as they stick with rail and don't go off on Guided Busway or similar. Northampton-Market Harborough another but theres a pecking order - others may play in reverse, fine, at least they can deal with accommodating the preservation line. 
Hope helpful. Hope we can discuss at some point. This is 2020-2021 main focus and things like meetings, forums, jaunts and Westminster Team can focus on these things. What we need is more active people.

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