Sunday 8 March 2020

Kempston Retail Park Station needed now please!

Kempston Hardwick needs a car park for kiss and ride and could have a picnic site or some housing developed for more footfall. However it is ages away from the Retail Park Kempston and that is where a new station serving it and Kempston Town should be picked up on and if you have any influence, please feed this into their hub:
a. 2001 circa Steer Davis Gleave 100 extra off peak rail users per day
b. 1500 car park full x7 days a week all day long
c. Kempston is 18, 000 population
d. cycle network can be developed
e. made design planning stages -circa 2006- but lost to a few votes for fear of local election back-lash - some in Magnolia Close fear its rammifications
f. Owners were okay to share costs in a study, Borough not apparently keen/forth-coming yet found capital funds to try and broker a deal for MML Wixams
g. Parking could be expanded south of Southfields Road with connecting foot-cum-cycle-bridge linking town and Retail Park
h. Retail commands 2 buses an hour, busy roads, long delays (Ampthill Road)
i. Loads of potential
Happy to discuss further, but conquer the Retail Park conundrum and numerous gains on and off the rails. Shuttle should be seen as temporary - lengthen halts to 4 coach and electrify medium term?
If you agree please let the East West Rail Company know your views and join our email loop and/or come to our local forum via Richard Pill 01234 330090

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