Tuesday 24 March 2020

ERTA Update and North Downs Line Theatre

We may not be able to meet anymore, but we can liaise and do on-line work and use spare time/capacity to get jobs done.
Network Rail offering to implement a turn back off the Brighton Main Line to Reigate. Laudable - frees up waiting on through tracks/creates paths and capacity. But whilst I would urge you to write and add your support, please consider the bigger picture and advocate that also:
1. Electrify the North Downs Line to Guildford and
2. Semi fast Thameslinks to Guildford
3. Include Reading electrification as a Phase 2
- frees up changing twice and taking Underground from St Pancras to Waterloo for example.
4. Sandford - restore direct curve and track to Cranleigh and it could clear and cater for trains from both Guildford and Redhill directions, clearing tracks for other services.
5. We want rebuilding of Guildford-Horsham-Shoreham. One project, but may have to be done incrementally?
Please interject your views and where you feel able, give support via the Network Rail consultation.
Feel free to email and exchange/chat with your Executive Committee any of our work, projects, ideas and aspirations and for example on project work, if you feel able to make a contribution beit pretty diagrams, data gathering, photos or whatever, feel free to contribute/offer. There's no need for splendid isolation and boredom! We can keep in touch if we wish via email and so on. e. richard.erta@gmail.com


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