Thursday 21 November 2019

English Regional Transport Association (ERTA) calls for a reappraisal of reopening the Brackmills Branch

20 November 2019
Press Release

English Regional Transport Association (ERTA) calls for a reappraisal of reopening the Brackmills Branch

The recent announcement of a ‘525 home development’ adjacent to the Brackmills and Great Houghton locations should act as a catalyst to a reconsideration of opening the Brackmills Railway (the stub of the former Northampton-Bedford railway) and should be protected and studied further.

Our concerns are that strapped for cash councils avoid the rail link issue saying “no business case means no need to protect the route” but given that the local roads are at capacity and congestion is a major issue, without improved radial rail links restored, all new development will go on local roads compounding the situation.

Our call is for the councils and other entrepreneur organisations to club together, invest in a study and look at what the re-railing the line could offer. In our view even as a local shuttle from a large car park near Brackmills/Great Houghton to Northampton Castle Station, the line could offer out of town Park and Ride relief as well as serving the new University Waterside Campus and South Northampton areas including the popular Delapre Abbey.

Local Councils should also be looking at the East-West Consortiums bid for an Oxford-Bedford-Cambridge rail link and how rebuilding a new rail link to Bedford would link Northampton to it and Cambridge, but also Luton Airport. These audiences could well come to Northampton informing renewed footfall and spend minus the traffic and give people more options.

Richard Pill, ERTA Media Spokesperson said “We need to keep options open and not be blinkered. There is a need to protect the railway route and realignment spaces at places like Olney and in the Northampton urban cordon. We are against further development unless it is linked to reviving a rail link as the congestion is bad for air quality, public health and needs a better vision for the 21st century.”

End of Press Release

Further comment: Mr Richard Pill 01234 330090 /

Saturday 16 November 2019

Boris' £500 million reopenings bid is wholly inadequate

We note Boris Johnson's offer of £500 million for reopening local rail links but this is wholly inadequate as even Bedford-Cambridge, some 25-30 miles is coming in new build at £2-4 billion. However you would get many '30 miles' of rebuild for the £100 billion outlay avariced on HS2, which should be cut and the money cascaded to 'reverse Beeching' or in otherwords a rolling programme of reopenings and rebuilds whereby all regions get a fair share. 

Alas, this is not what is being offered and so the discourse continues in a context of a 60 year rut of entrenched locked-in road presumption as a main stay of transport and only now at the 11th hour the climate emergency stimulus is flagging up the need to change track and re-rail the country and improve capacity, access and quantity of public transport for passenger and freight. Working up schemes, starting up schemes is expensive requiring specialist knowledge to meet strict specifications, indeed a level playing field between road and rail would deliver more rail for less cost anyway and the obvious fact that if something is there 'choice' then people can use it whereas if a line like Bedford-Northampton or Guildford-Horsham remains closed, roads are the default setting until a reopening occurs. There are about 100 credible schemes for rebuild, reopening or select pieces of new build, and a 10 year programme of 1-2 per region would soon sink that figure and we would be better for it.

Please help spread the word of ERTA and its conference and help us move these agendas forward regardless of who wins the General Election. Meanwhile route protection can help keep options open and here we see the neglect and lostness amidst 'other priorities' means constant drowning out and deferment. ERTA is working on these things and needs expanded membership and volunteers to reinforce our effort. Email to request our free pdf pamphlets (see below).

Friday 15 November 2019

English Regional Transport Association (ERTA) Vision for the South East Region and our commitment to see it through.

15 November 2019
Press Release

English Regional Transport Association (ERTA) Vision for the South East Region and our commitment to see it through.

The English Regional Transport Association (ERTA) fully supports the rebuilding of a Guildford-Horsham-Shoreham rail link in full for a variety of good reasons. Local and regional rail choice is lacking and patchy and whether traffic reductions or environmental concerns the corridor needs to have a railway pushed through. Far from threatening a walkway cum cycle way, it is envisaged the ‘green corridor’ could be expanded in places and suitable fencing delineate the railway from the walkway. Where pinch points exist, yes, the cycle way would need to be slewed and where blockages exist like at Cranleigh, alternative rail route options need to be being allocated and planned in designs now. If we wait 10 years and do nothing to advance the railway you will get ribbon development, road bypasses and the heaping up of volumes of traffic and overcrowding at existing railway stations and urban area which lack the capacity to cope beyond price managing access.
The rail link would enable access by rail between Reading/Heathrow and Brighton as well as Gatwick via Horsham from the south.

Other proposals we have are:

Ø    Build the Arundel curve to enable Horsham-Shoreham now and give more options
Ø    Rebuild a new Polegate-Stone Cross avoiding line north of Eastbourne which will enable more direct Brighton-Ashford rail links and make rail a more attractive alternative to road proliferation.
Ø    Look again at building curves linking the 2 lines at Canterbury for more diversity of options and services.
Ø    Electrify the North Downs Railway
Ø    Study a new build rail link between Gatwick and the Redhill-Tonbridge Line
Ø    We fully support the reopening of a South Coast-Uckfield through rail link as well as Tunbridge Wells-Eridge in full to enable more through workings arcing Kent and Sussex areas.

End Press Release

Further comment contact Mr Richard Pill 01234 330090 /

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Great Central necessary - please give it your support

The massive cost and intrusion of HS2 is totally unnecessary. It has been marketed as various claims and one wonders if all are necessary or true. For example:
1. The claim that it would challenge inland flights but avoids linking directly into Heathrow to shave a mere 7 minutes off end to end London Capital timings.
2. The claims of High Speed, when the 127 miles from Paris-Lille is considered a shorter distance 'minimal' for operations efficiency and shorter gaps one might suggest means less efficiency with high speed acceleration but 3+ mile distance braking to stop and that means all trains must keep those head-ways at any time. Unlikely to go that speed in urban areas when grinding to a stop and that is why no station between Old Oak Common and Solihull is wanted by the promoters which translates to all brown field development in the wake of the new railway (exactly the same for road schemes) will be driven to use existing road and rail links which it claims are at capacity.
3. If it draws the masses to commute via it to London, will an equal London audience wish to commute contra and at less income rates to the regions on the back of it or it is a one-way brain drain from those outlying regions fuelling overheating more of the London and wider Southeast regions? West London/South Bucks/Chiltern areas is already congested and everything moves slowly, to compound that and overload Crossrail is a nightmare to unfold before our eyes. 

A better way surely is to:
1. Reduce costs by making it a conventional railway not High Speed, 125 mph is a totally respectable speed and freight needs to be less anyway in many cases. HS2 is not geared for mixed running, when if capacity is the name of the game, we do need more freight by rail and capacity creation. The idea that if we get HS2 a default capacity opens up, given other growth patterns and demand over the next 10 years, those existing lines will be restricted and besides, it is orbital links between Tonbridge-Heathrow and the Chiltern Main Line/East-West Rail Oxbridge Arc that is radially needed and that agenda is missing in joined-up planning and designs currently. Terminal capacity and baying is limited so that puts a cap on growth without more M25 rail equivalent links being built. HS2 has few if any answers, it cannot access Crossrail with its trains as Crossrail is not continental loading gauge.
2. If we accept a conventional rail link into Calvert from both Birmingham and Leicester via Narborough-Rugby-Brackley-Calvert with links to the Oxford line and Heathrow via Aylesbury-Princes Risborough (Clavert-Grendon could be new built for relief purposes too), you have Southampton/Bristol-West Coast Rugby and East Midlands via Leicester and/or the Knighton Junction-Burton-Derby lines. You could bolt on a conventional new link between Calvert and Solihull and still have more station capacity at Birmingham via Curzon Street new build, but save the Chilterns, water courses, bio-diversity and many lands for plethora of other uses. You could have a station west side of Southam linking with the Leamington and Stratford upon Avon lines.
3. The Great Central corridor being re-railed would serve the East Midlands from the south and west which HS2 fails to provide. Realignments and new designs are needed to:
a. get around built Brackley
b. overcome other smaller blockages including the Catesby Tunnel
c. have a Park and Ride Station south of Willoughby and a new deviation via Barby to link with the West Coast Main Lines in the vicinity of where they split, this via bestriding the Canal corridor.
d. At Rugby more interlinking options for passenger and freight could be had. Including a direct link into DIRFT which is expanding and a curve into Northampton.
e. North of Rugby you could either do all 3 or just 2 of these options such as rebuilding the old Midland route to Leicester to meet with the new built Great Central on viaduct over Rugby old route and west of M1 serve Lutterworth with a Park and Ride before linking on to the existing Nuneaton-Leicester lines as previously mentioned. 

In short the following needs to be done:
a. agree the principle and support protection policies for the remaining Great Central corridor and that does not need to be dormant, but rather generous width lands as 'green corridors' which could extend around urban cordons and new stretches to keep re-railing options open and used interim as pedestrian, cycle, bridleway cum leisure corridors which could be edited and slewed in the event of a new railway being restored/built. 
b. contact other councils between Bucks and Leicestershire and quangos like English Economic Heartlands and pool resources to commission a feasibility study to examine what can be done and if positive including business cases both as a through route for passenger and freight from plethora to plethora (with stations and information) as well as a corridor in its own right with the 'local' apparent for footfall and spend minus cars and land use parking allocation issues in urban areas for example.

Once the study is done and shows the way ahead hopefully - Bucks apparently did costings on the Great Central a while back - but needs other councils to work together, not discard the Great Central as 'gone' when for a variety of practical, social, economic and environmental reasons local, regional and national we need this corridor re-railed and a new Park and Ride Station on the Great Central south of Willoughby adjacent to the A425 and a new rail link off the Leamington Line to link with the Northampton Loop Line via Southam, Great Central and Daventry, none of which have ready access to rail and have growing populations not apparent 50 years+ years ago when the line was shut to cut 'duplicate links' when now, we desperately need 'more capacity'.

I attach a basic report outlining something of the vision and a map which seeks to show ideas for study, rather than forensic crystal ball outcomes!

Pictures below kindly given by Mr Steve Byatt. 2018

Saturday 9 November 2019

Bedford Forum 2020 Vision to be shared together!

Would You Like to See…? (Please Tick)

Ø A new station on the Bedford-Bletchley railway at the Retail Park Kempston? o
Ø Stations North of Bedford? o
Ø Full Pedestrianisation of Bedford High Street and Midland Road for a safer shopping experience? o
Ø Pavement widening, better standards of paving and repair? o
Ø More dedicated off-road cycle paths and networks including through the town centre? o
Ø Distributor Buses serving the railway station and bus station with key places around the town? o
Ø Bus services returned to Tavistock Street, St Peters Street (north side) and Prebend street? o
Ø East-West Rail including Bedford-Sandy-Cambridge via St John’s out of Bedford? o
Ø A new direct rail link between Bedford and Northampton? o
Ø More freight by rail including a plan and vision for road-rail at Forders Sidings off A421? o ~ There is a need to get more lorries off the roads.
If ‘yes’ to any of these, please join ERTA as we want these things too and would welcome your support. Join ERTA and vote with your feet.

By joining and working together with ERTA you open up options for all as well as yourself.
ERTA is a voluntary membership-based association ‘open to all’ We have members and groups working across the English Regions seeking old rail corridor protections to keep options open, seeking a Government sponsored programme of reopenings, rebuilds and select new builds of rail links for local accessibility and new travel by rail options. We want to give choices to car dependency cultures and this capacity creation is vital to ensure:
Ø    Choice, Mobility and Accessibility for all
Ø    More Bus Passes for Under 65’s to give lifestyle choices and cut the cost of car reliance
Ø    Take lorries off the roads and put them back on the rails
Ø    Inform more modal shift
Ø    Cut pollution from fossil fuel exhausts and tyre friction particles from hard surfaces.
Ø    Cleaner air, land saved for other purposes, easing parking demand and cutting congestion
There is a better way for transport and public engagement. Overcrowding and price management techniques have not reduced problems and costs spiralling and only reopening more rail links can problems be eased. Here in Bedford, you would have thought planners could incentivise contracted bus operators to serve the bus and rail station as a part of their regular routes and if that means revision so beit. Likewise, the old chestnut of “you can’t run buses to x street because of congestion” must be challenged to “if you don’t run buses, congestion is compounded”. Likewise, cyclists on pavements could be reduced if we give them more direct route options on segregated paths even through pedestrian zones – speed and consideration notices should be made clear with sanction for abusers. Likewise, the pedestrian should be at the centre of planning not pavement narrowing for widening roads for more traffic adjacent to hospitals and schools. If you agree, join ERTA and let’s work at these contradictions and impediments together.

Join us for our regular Bedford Forum convened at the back of the Pilgrims Progress Wetherspoons on the corner of Midland Road/River Street, Bedford. It is free, no obligations. Discuss in a friendly atmosphere your cares, concerns and aspirations around transport and make common cause/meet like minds. Tuesday February 4th 2pm lunch, 3-5pm business, Tuesday 3rd March and Tuesday 5th May 2020 the same.

Friday 8 November 2019

Rebuild Great Central north of Brackley

Please have a think and let me have your kind feedback/views. The map attached reflects our intent for the reopening yes? 
As I see it:
a. rebuild Calvert - Brackley brow of hill with P&R south of Buckingham Road off teh A43 bypass? - hangs on HS2 being cancelled or toned down to a conventional link so tracks can be shared with separating junction at some point.
b. Brackley either new viaduct and demolish subsequent to closure houses (controversial) and old station not big enough for 8-12 coach trains anyway) so new route around Brackley to east of town following A43 corridor and new station for P&R access with bus link to Silverstone and onwards north to rejoin old trackbed north of Brackley sprawl and growing
c. compulsory purchase Woodford Halse for reinstatement of railway (exact beyond industrial unit relocation needs ground level inspection).
d. Willoughby-North of Rugby: we wish for:
- old route reinstated if possible with new bridges and viaducts over WCML
- in addition we want a new route to link with WCML split to feed into/off WCML via Canal (bestriding) Corridor (study needed to fine tune)
- old Midland route out of Rugby to link with new GC Reinstatement (direct) west of M1 to go over/under criss-cross fashion to a new P&R station at Lutterworth whatever can be done either side of M1
- link to Leicester-Nuneaton line near Narborough (exact location and configuration to be worked out.
e. Passenger services can run into Leicester/Nottingham (links) whilst freight can go via Knighton-Burton for Derby on to (Peak Rail) and yonder like Sheffield/North and East.
f. Harrogate-Northallerton would enable MML-ECML direct de-cluttering York of lengthy changes and freight on same tracks as passenger paths.

If you agree this approach let me know, likewise if you disagree or have a question please run it past me. I want us to agree a strategy for 2020 so when I email Warks/Rugby and Leicestershire councils I can reinforce the ideas relative to what closer study and scrutiny throws up upon the councils supporting the principle and wanting to commission to study objectively further of what is best/can be done with minimum cost and pain.

It would be good for a delegated meeting with Adrian Shooter of Vivarail which is moving HQ to Southam (Google) and make contact. Southam-Daventry linking with GC would be a god-send for a station akin to Worcester linking the two lines (suggestion). Southam-south of Leamington line and Daventry to Northampton Loop?

It is clear access at Brackley and onto/link with south of Rugby (WCML) is critical to identify and ask councils to help us retain to keep options open please. Email with feedback, views, ideas or suggestions/offers of help and support.

Tuesday 5 November 2019

Re-rail Great Central Corridor needs local councils of all tiers to support the principle and protect the remaining route

The English Regional Transport Association (ERTA) is pro public transport and all for a better environment. We disagree that HS2 is a green project, rather at huge cost and intrusion seems to miss the point that speed is not everything, capacity needs links south of Leicester and as for Birmingham needing more links, HS2 only caters for passengers not passenger and freight which conventional railways do. HS2 is therefore a 'wrong type of railway' and is likely to deliver ribbon development and create brownfield sites but with no station between Old Oak Common (OOC) and Solihull, will force the growth of transport onto existing roads and railway which are at capacity. Therefore with others we continue in our opposition.

However it is quite clear that two things are apparent to us:
1. M1 and West Coast Main Line are at capacity/nearing gridlock congestion
2. Growth and development bit by bit goes in across the regions but a lack of infrastructure to reduce carbon emissions/air pollution and land take of widening roads means we must have some of our closed railway back albeit with slight reinterpretations where the subsequent years have lost the original routes. Everything costs, there is a cost to doing nothing too.

We believe that a rebuild Great Central south of Narborough and Rugby to Calvert with a new spur onto the Oxford line would enable Leicester-Aylesbury and Oxford for onwards access to Heathrow, Southampton and Bristol for example - passenger and freight and vice versa. Intermediate Parkway Stations at Brackley (expanding place), Woodford Halse and Willoughby, a new link with the West Coast Main Line via the canal corridor and onwards a new build solution to parallel the M1 to join the existing Nuneaton-Leicester line at the Narborough area. Another new link could be Leamington (south of) - Southam-Daventry-Northampton Loop Line.

Land needs protection and a new bore for Catesby Tunnel unless relocation packages can be done needs consideration.
But the gains would be immense. Indeed you could still have a conventional new line to Birmingham linking off the Great Central north of Calvert or off a link to the Daventry-Southam-Leamington Line, saving intrusion as currently the case.

We are calling for route protection, councils to support the principle and club together to pool resources to commission a feasibility study to look at local and regional gains.

We welcome news that there is a consideration for a Northampton-Market Harborough Rail Link to reopen. This would boost rail usage linking large places like Milton Keynes and Northampton with Leicester and the East Midlands and vice versa for work, commuting, wider travel and essentially logistics choice to roads only dependency cultures which add to congestion and pollution. However the West Coast Main Line has few spare paths and trains vie for baying capacity currently non available from Bedford, East Croydon, West London and Aylesbury/Oxford (2023) for Milton Keynes Central and were capacity bouyant aspirations to run into Rugby from West London would not have been trunkated to MK Central terminal only due to capacity issues and that was 20 years ago (Connex). So clearly good ideas have to be thought through and ensure they are deliverable. In any case, it only deals with the eastern flank of the West Coast Main Line corridor and leaves the western flank wide open to speculative development and implications. 

Please add your voice to our calls and see diagram below. Copiues of our mini report can be emailed free as a pdf on request  We hope you will consider joining as either individuals or as a organisation or council body please. More information can be found via our website: and our Blogspot: Thank you.

Saturday 2 November 2019

ERTA Newsletter Now Available

The current ERTA Newsletter is available on request. A pdf version via is free and no obligation - just enjoy and give any support is welcome. Please help us get our message across and be part of the answer to the question of whether something will happen or not - your support could help make a big difference. Former Newsletters via our page on our website: