Tuesday 8 October 2019

English Regional Transport News Update

Dear Friends and colleagues,

The Strategic Plan - see link https://westnorthantsplan.inconsult.uk/consult.ti/WNSPIssues/consultationHome includes consultation/proposal to reopen the Northampton-Market Harborough line pegged to the reopening of the Oxford-Milton Keynes Western section of the East-West Rail https://www.eastwestrail.org.uk/
This would link main urban areas like Leicester, Northampton and Milton Keynes with access to and from radial lines to and from Oxford and Aylesbury respectively for both passenger and freight by rail. This would also enable a parallel to the M1 between Northampton and Leicester (gate way to/from the East Midlands Region) of which Northampton is traditionally Incorporated into on regional boundary allocations but is structurally disadvantaged with no direct rail link. So please do write emails/letters of support to the said Council and follow the news. This is a good new story potentially, problems and blockages to overcome doubtless, but in a Climate Emergency Crisis and a dire need to reduce congestion, give choice, cut air pollution from exhausts and frictions of rubber on hard surfaces, re-railing comprehensively is a key aspect of responsible response. 

Our meeting in Northampton tomorrow - see attached for details, all welcome to come and take part. Likewise Spalding for the March-Spalding missing link - we need to grow teams of people for our projects and welcome any time or skills or resources you may be willing to put our way for us to do more and better. It starts and stops with that front line being suitably serviced in terms of what we can reasonably do. 

We hold forums and other meetings in a variety of locations and people are welcome to tap into them, networking opportunities exist and collaboration can bring a wealth of benefit across the board. Please see our Blogspot for details and scroll down: https://ertarailvolunteer.blogspot.com/

Our next newsletter will be in November. Meanwhile thanks to all who do contribute or bother to take an interest. Our nation needs Government to commit to a rolling programme of local, conventional line reopenings, rebuilds and select new builds, not HS2 which arguably costs a lot, doesn't cater for freight and defaultive benefits are over-egged as all south of Leicester will rely on existing roads and rails with new growth and development. We must start locating warehouses by railways and ensuring they are rail connected and served lion's share including waste and recycling from day one. That is why we would welcome anyone keen to help us call for re-railing of the Northampton-Brackmills branch with a road-rail access off main lines, away from residential areas and off A45/A428. Milton Keynes Council have invested in a study recommending reopening Bedford-Northampton rail link (Northampton-Bedford-Cambridge and Luton/Airport and vice versa to Brackmills, Riverside Campus of University of Northampton, Delapre Abbey, South side of Northampton and finally the main line connection with a reconfigured Castle Track and Platform layout to accommodate more trains of whatever origin, destination and configuration. These heart of England areas are a critical test case for radial other similar rolling out of the model of intent and direction of the way our transport and environmental/land use mastery is to go. Please do write / email your MP c/o House of Commons, Westminster, London, SW1A 0AA.

Finally our conference in pencilled in for Saturday 25th April at Berkhamsted in Hertfordshire on the West Coast Main Line. Please see poster attached and feel free to pass on. More details in due course. Thank you. Our conferences bring people together, inform, exchange and encourage positive interest and actions commensurate to the task we face as a nation and indeed the rest of the world.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Pill
ERTA Chairman. 

For pdf docs please email richard.erta@gmail.com Thanks.

Association Chairman, Campaigns Advisor, Bedford-Cambridge and Bedford-Northampton Rail Links Liaison Officer, Membership, Bedford Area Rep., Publications, Sales, Media Spokesperson,
Co-Conference Organiser and Newsletter Editor: 
Mr Richard Pill, 24c St Michaels Road, Bedford,
MK40 2LT T. 01234 330090. E. richard.erta@gmail.com

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