Monday 2 July 2018

Bedford-Northampton Film
What people need to understand is that campaigns are only as good as people are willing to join and help out, pool talent and make contributions respectively. ERTA has an open membership and can facilitate talent applied to progression. Olney is the big issue, needs - must dictates a further north arc to the Handley Alignment, but reconciling that with steep slopes, crossing A509 and Lavendon Road and Great River Ouse and reconciling with old trackbed eastwards at Clifton Reynes area needs a study to evaluate engineer and other aspects and once confirmed, for a commitment from MK Council to be responsible and incorporate consideration of the railway into it's plans going forward which means tailoring development applications surely? Northampton Councils are on skid row/disarray and Bedford looks south with a London centric obsession - yes needed but must not put all eggs in one basket, we need diversity and other options too. Please help us, it would make a critical difference. Ironically, Northampton, Olney and Bedford are very different and have different outlooks. Olney from a Northampton perspective is seen as an outback. Olney looks to Milton Keynes and Bedford has it's own focuses. Yet the missing link would link East-West Rail and Thameslink at Bedford serving the 3 airports (Gatwick, Luton and Heathrow) with Northampton-Birmingham services and vice versa, putting these places at the centre of a  wider network and flow of people, spend and goods. Do we plan Bedford Midland track and platforms to facilitate growth and options or do we follow piecemeal planning whereby blinkers are on and those doing A4280 Bromham Road Bridge can only provide for a status quo and act as if the rest like growth with EWRL doesn't matter? This is exactly what is being locked-in and basically unless we keep options open, we create restrictions, bottlenecks, deterrents on new flows of trains going forwards. Not just a matter of past glories or nostalgia, but the question of what do we build and invest in today for future generations? If the last trumpet, then I am quite sure we have time enough to do it in a ethical and sustainable manner, not ruin-nation/races to the bottom and cheating others by guzzling irresponsibly by models locked in without choices for people to vote with their feet?!



10.00am – 3.00pm
Market Square
For further information contact Mr Richard Pill
e. or T. 01234 330090.
Donations of Bric-a-Brac and any railway publications welcome to entertain.
Another chance to give us your support and vote with your feet and wallets!

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