Wednesday 4 July 2018

Bedford-Northampton appeal

Phil Haigh in Rail Magazine Edition 849 page 6 said "[Market Led Proposals (MLPs) could be developed or promoted by ports, train operators, freight operators, housing developers, financial investors or consortia of the above." [  ] mine. Our Bedford-Northampton rail link project needs investors to seize the bull by the horns and invest in studies, make the case and grow consortia with a view to funding rebuild and reopening for income generation of passenger and freight over a new strategic missing link rail asset. Thameslink Brighton-Birmingham arc and scope in connectivities, 3 airports, Eurostar with Bedford and Northampton at the centre of the network and also linking with the proposed East-West Rail at Bedford for cross-country links between Oxford and Cambridge, Bristol and Felixstowe for example as well as Stansted Airport-South Midlands sub region. If you or your company feel they would like to explore further, our team stands ready to meet and entertain offers. The project stands on it's own feet and regardless of others can go it alone. All enquiries to Mr Richard Pill Thank you. 

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