Saturday 3 March 2018

Bedford-Bletchley new trains but are they detri-mental?
Vivarail Trains have been ordered for the operation of the Bedford-Bletchley local all stopper passenger trains. Key question is:
1. Do they have forward seating - leisure line - people like to see out of windowns/charm/appeal/selling point.
2. Will they have capacity to take bikes, luggage, bags, perishables, post/other light weight transit commodities as well as people? Capacity enhanced or restricted in a context of being marketed by professionals for growth? If their task is merely keep topping up whilst the service hemmorraghes over all that could be akin to a hampser on the tread mill?! A job, but dysfunctional if overall performance is not enhanced.
3. Will the trains be DOO or retain a Guard/Conductor?
4. Will timetable be enhanced to clock face hourly off peak and half hourly peak am/lunch and pm?
5. Will there be a Sunday and Bank Holiday service introduced in a timely manner?
6. Will these trains be able to cope with the gradient up to Ridgmont from Bedford and keep pace in all weathers?
7. Will these trains retain a toilet provision as now?
In short, is this 'welcomed news/good news' story a real advance or merely a changing of the guard from clapped out 153 and 150 sprinters to old London Underground rolling stock, refurbished to service Cinderlla Branch Lines as a prelude to closure or Tram or Guided Busway/truncation? If it were Turbo type trains I'd have more confidence, but sadly I feel we're being fobbed off by professionals who drive along the line and go to meetings but are lack lustre and fail to grasp, let alone bring off what is long standing issues and long over due upgrade to a more serious investment and operation including end to end (yes East-West Rail will offer that but Open Access invites for a Watford-Bedford-Corby-Melton Mowbray and either Nottingham via reopening Old Dalby branch or circular via Syston and Leicester and back - giving commuters more options?) and diversity of services. The Steer Davis Gleave Report circa 2001 said a new station serving the Retail Park and footbridge at Kempston would bring and extra 100 passengers daily to the local service - how much more today? Yet we hear nothing on this window of robust opportunity born of investment? Likewise electrifcation infill between WCML and Midland Main Line/Bletchley/Bedford could allow Southern's West London to do one train to MK Central and one to Bedford and Corby ultimately going forward, giving Southern a half hourly pathing between Bletchley and Watford. Want to speed LNW services up and run more semi fasts? Share stations out with Southern and all get more for more.
Alas again, secret society amongst networks remains and the public are none the wiser! 
We need to democratise the transport industry and bring back something akin to the former Transport Users Consultative Committees (TUCC's)? 

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