Sunday 4 February 2018

Worthy of Support! Re-Rail Woodhead and Burscough Curves!

It is jobs, it is environmentally friendly, it is efficiency, it is what the Northern Powerhouse should be about in support and delivery terms, not roads! Give them your support too please. GB Plc needs re-railing Mr Grayling please! Burscough Curves should be enabled to be put back as a part of planned routine maintenance, not a special condition taking decades amidst competing schemes. The framework and system of the railways, private or public, should allow reinstatement to be done as part of routine maintenance and engineering by Network Rail or other agency and income can be accrued from track access charges or auctioning of paths by passenger and/or freight users potentially. 

The builder should also be allowed to make common cause with operators to ensure usage takes place and optimally. Alas where's the rail media when you need it, where is the getting down to grassroots and shouting the case for it not drowing out on main line and cone nosed trains proliferations and handing back the keys thereof! The Northern Power House must put rail expansion and reopenings top of its priorities. It is jobs, it is environment, it is efficiency, it is transport choice, it is re-railed Britain - the long standing deficit and fragmentation which is holding potential back and locking in road-pollution-congestion-oil dependency mainia costing the earth and many human lives one way or another. What can give, what can take? 

To reform the framework to enable people just to get on with it would be a open door step in the right direction surely? Instead it is heavy going getting tracks back and many an arm chair critic, stifling the small people, proud in their status as pontificators - it is a misplaced pride. Small and incremental is the grassroots renaissance this country needs - you establish the principle or model and block replicate with local adjustments of fit and relevance. Peak Rail, Woodhead, Harrogate-Ripon-Northallerton, Keswick, York-Beverley, East Lincs Main Line and a number of others. Toll motorways and trunk roads if you need to inform a pot of money, encourage and nurture modal shift, get freight back on the rails. Hull-Liverpool land bridge Europe/North Sea - Atlantic/The World! Brexit or not, these curves would play a key role in unlocking more journeys by rail and boosting local communities in footfall and spend minus the cars and urban parking demand argie-bargie many towns and shoppers face for example. Worthy of support!

Write to your local MP c/o House of Commons, Westminster, London, SW1A 0AA.

Support Coop Rail - a strategic service and link if given half a chance!

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