Saturday 3 February 2018

Bedford-Northampton Rail Link Rebuild is Vital and should be central plank policy!

ERTA is seeking more members and volunteers and even as we have grown, still need a lot of diverse skills, time and talent geographically and locally flexible to cover our front lines and commitments. One need we have is for a single or pool of talent to inform website development.

All enquiries or offers to my colleague Mr Simon Barber: T. 0208 940 4399,
E. You can keep abreast of our main thrusts via our Blogspot which is updated regularly

In Bedford the vested interest of popularism, vote catching and London centricity regards the calls by us for Bedford-Northampton and even East-West Rail as periphery and non-accommodation in even more than a cursory glance relegates to the side-lines ERTA and it's fight for the majority of less well-off people disenfranchised from London commuting and who want and need diversification, wider options and to be able to succinctly choose 'other'.

What our friends who are dismissive need to realise that is if we open Bedford-Northampton we enable 2 trains per hour to clear tracks off Bedford Midland Station, allowing other trains to call. Likewise, 2-3 or more will go on to Corby. But I doubt if 5 trains per hour will all go to Corby? Midland Main Line fasts will call if capacity and business warrant it to make it appealing - any competition for platform access contrast easier for more like Luton Airport and Bedford could lose out. Stations north of Bedford - something our predecessor organisations called for over 30 years of silence, are now being included along with development of 000's of houses but direct live in countryside, make it urbanised, a shop maybe and a station for London and not much else is the way it is. Wixams is the model forerunner of new development on the cheap contrast proper towns and villages with comprehensive modern, civilised services from public lavatories to post offices, to services, health and so on. Section 106 gets you a few metres of cycle path and a school, maybe a community centre for bad times and elections, the Church is privatised and left to find its own way to establish a base - mission and pastoral support. Reality is that life can be more complex and these dumping of dwellings into a vacuum seems naive and a recipe for distress and lostness?

So, our rail schemes are relevant to connect people and give options outside just a London focus or "I'm an academic who wants to commute to X location without changing" translating to a whole plank of a campaign purported to represent many others. Yes we need fast services up and down the Midland Main Line and yes Government approach is chaotic, inadequate and unfair but we have to have a joined up, coherent, cohesive, integrated and diverse plans for the whole of what is needed, not just partisan or parochial interests vying akin to a creche for individual attention x however many there are relative to micro-managing civil servants at the Department for Transport who themselves are under the Treasury and it - a seemingly unknown quantity for power, reach, range and where does the buck stop, not Theresa May surely?!

ERTA continues to be a still small voice and seeks to relate that it is in Midland Main Line interests to have Bedford-Northampton, it is in Milton Keynes' interests to support Bedford-Northampton and it is definitely in Northampton's interest to be linked to Midland Main Line, Bedford, Luton Airport and East-West Rail at Bedford via Olney. If only they all realised, bought into that and worked with us, we could unitedly pull for a better Bedford and sustainable transport future to build quality jobs and prosperity not austerity. Currently Bedford, I feel is being systematically marginalised, it has a caring, retail, warehouse, coffee shop and charity sector economy and needs to raise its game on quality, quantity and the redistribution of wealth to make a more inclusive and even-handed society.

Please support us and help us. Our events are open to all and your support may encourage others to snowball our ideas towards those who have the means and ways to make a go of things. Thank you.

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