Thursday 5 October 2017

Bedford Midland Capacity Battle

Please Email:

Model objection:

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a member of the English Regional Transport Association (ERTA), which, as you may already know, is a voluntary membership-based, pro-public transport improvement association with its main projects initially in the Bedfordshire and surrounding regional areas but its remit has since increased since several of its projects have a nation-wide positive benefit and impact. 
ERTA website:
The reason for writing is that I am responding to your consultation on the Bedford Town Centre Master Plan which begins today,and I now have the following concerns:
Ford End Road - The present road bridge (which will apparently very shortly be demolished) should be replaced with one which will offer sufficient span capacity to allow straightening of the present rail track (which should be doubled) between the present St.John's Station/Danfoss site and the Midland Main Line,with also a double-track link to the Midland Main Line north of Bedford  to optimise freight between East Anglia and West Midlands.
Midland Road Station - The new station should be built to the south of the present station with improved access for cyclists,pedestrians and disabled people - this should take priority of motorists.Bus links should also be improved to the station.
Finally, the site of Bedford St.John's Old Station/Goods Yard (referred to in the Bedford Local Plan 2035 consultation) - The 32 dwellings proposed on that site should not go ahead since  ERTA wishes to re-instate the old station as part of the East - West Rail Link on the section between Bedford and Cambridge.This section of the East - West Rail Link must be completed by 2035 at the latest.
Yours faithfully,
Simon Barber -Administrator
English Regional Transport Association


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