Thursday 26 January 2017

Olney Neighbourhood Plan Publicity Consultation

Mackowiak, Marek <>
Today at 16:38
Dear Sir or Madam,

In January, Olney Town Council submitted the final version of its Neighbourhood Plan to Milton Keynes Council. The Plan is now being published in accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Plans (General) Regulations 2012. This is the final stage to make comments on the Plan.

The Plan and its supporting documents are available to view at:

Any comments on the Plan at this stage (including those from members of the public and other organisations) will be passed to an independent person to consider when he or she is examining the Plan.  He or she will consider whether the Plan:
-              Meets a number of basic conditions
-              Satisfies the legal requirements for neighbourhood plans, and
-              Identifies an appropriate area for the referendum.

As part of this process, the Examiner will decide if the Plan should proceed to the Referendum stage, which is where local residents will have the opportunity to vote on whether the plan should be made (adopted) and used in the determination of planning applications in the area that it covers.

As this is the final chance to comment before the Plan goes to examination and then on to Referendum, it is important if there are any outstanding concerns you have regarding the Plan, that they are raised now for the Examiner to consider.

Comments should be sent to:

by 5pm on Wednesday 8th March 2017.

Kind regards


Marek Mackowiak
Planning Officer

T: 01908 254573

Milton Keynes Council | Development Plans| Civic Offices | 1 Saxon Gate East | Central Milton Keynes | MK9 3EJ

ERTA wants the railway rebuilt between Bedford-Olney and Northampton. The original route is blocked at Olney and the Handley Alignment (above red line) shows how those blockages can be overcome and link the old trackbed east and west of Yardley Road and River Great Ouse to the east. We want to ensure that the route option is retained and kept 'open' to allow rebuilding of the railway in a way that best suites engineering. Therefore any ambitions to expand the town of Olney northwards either side of the A509 is a threat unless tailored to protect the green-space railway corridor. If expansion goes ahead, the stupidity of it is that Olney has a major traffic issue. A509 has a lot of continuous traffic trundling through Olney. A bypass has been said to be a death-knell for the town's small businesses but equally many of the cars, vans and lorries do not stop and besides Olney has a lack of parking in relation to those who wish to park and volume to space ratios. Thus a car park with a railway station north of current built Olney could double up as well as improved lanes and paths and crossings for encouraging cycling, walking and public transport options in an integrated manner. The railway would deliver volumes of people contrast roads only which just erodes the otherwise pleasant surroundings. Please help us by responding to the consultation and mentioning the benefits and merits of reopening the railway which should be supported by the Town Council. To discuss further e. or join ERTA:

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