Wednesday, 15 January 2025

BRTA Ampthill-Flitwick Forum 12-03-2025 - All Welcome!


We need membership and donations to fund a questionnaire to gauge interest and sow seeds of ideas for people to mull over and respond to. The meeting is open to all, so all welcome.

Both Flitwick and Ampthill Stations need support in different ways. Wixams is good for the vicinity and north thereof/south Bedford, but Ampthill would serve a 10 mile catchment of around 50, 000 people from M1.East Milton Keynes-A507-CentreParcs -A6 Wrest Park, Marston Vale (access to Luton and London, not east-west!) and all in between - a growing infill development with scant any improved infrastructure and dire parking/basic facilities.

It is the BRTA's view that things must improve and can do so and a new station 'Ampthill Parkway' could serve a niche and positive contribution. Relocation can be done and the Fordfield Road access prove a hand Park and Ride capacity enhancer. Meanwhile Flitwick gets more relief to congestion and air pollution whilst Ampthill Town could gain more sustainable flows of footfall and spend all-year-round from wider audiences.

Ampthill-Bedford and vice versa via Wixams for Universal Leisure Park would also boost Bedford Town Centre and connect to an east-west rail facility. Let's never lose sight that both areas are a part of Bedfordshire and our own county needs some sort of unity in cohesive rail infrastructure and join-up-ness. How is it councils can only deal with just one rail project per time, but multiple road schemes?

Arguably, splitting into 3 small unitaries was a mistake? One County-wide Unitary could have been more cohesive, now regional reform, could sweep away in all but name, whereas arcing local to regional if accessible and can inform positive traffic and air pollution reductions. 
We need your help and support please. Thank you.
Our Sandy Forum aims to tackle East Beds/West Anglia issues, please follow

BRTA Ampthill-Flitwick Forum

Wednesday 12 March 1pm lunch; 2-4pm business
Venue: The Swan Pub (Side Lounge), 1 Dunstable Road, FLITWICK, Beds. MK45 1HP
Venue Phone: 01525 – 754777 (landline); 07944-044003 (mobile)

For further information please contact Simon Barber, 20 Fitzherbert House, Kingsmead, Richmond, Surrey TW10 6HT
Email address:
Phone (landline): 020-8940-4399
Phone (mobile): 07522-374740


1.   Apologies for absence

2.   Notes of previous meeting and matters arising/feedback

3.   Ampthill Station:

a.   Need members and volunteers

b.   Need sponsorship of questionnaire flyer – 20 back so far, all in favour of the station but no new members but just one did join.

c.    Other questionnaires to gauge interest

d.   Resourcing an on-going seed-planting campaign

4.   Flitwick Station issues: disabled access, bridge crossing to The Swan, bus and cycleway links and any other related matters.

5.   Wixams Progress and implications

6.   Central Beds Council – need a Zoom Meeting

7.   Any Other Business

8.   Day, Date, Time, Place of next meeting.: suggest post 4th October unless anything major happens. Interim, full funding and delivery of the flyer is best seed-sowing activity alongside any formal representations. and 

Note: to discuss further/join our loop. Attend meeting, donate, join, be willing to help, is exactly what we need please.

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