Monday 2 September 2024

Bedford-Cambridge Rail Link - need to get Tempsford right

The BRTA approach: re: It is BRTA's contention that all development should be curtailed until the route of the new rail link between #Bedford and #Cambridge via the #Tempsford area is settled once and for all. We have our views of a preferred route, not Northern Route, but 'east of Bedford via St John's' is the flattest, quickest and easiet to recover and do if a determined political will can be achieved? The local MP for Tempsford is Richard Fuller, who seems bent on outright opposition to the rail link, even our route, and yet the equivalent road A421-A428 is being dualled as we write, with no objections except belatedly! The penny drops these roads will deliver urban congestion, air pollution, ill-health and blight, yet with a rail link traffic proliferation on the back of regional development 'happening now' will be held in check and balance. #Oxford-Bedford 2026 onwards, Bedford-Cambridge 2035 is lucky. I may not live to see it, but is the government in a listening mood? If so, local politicians need to grasp our rail route now and promote it. Failure to sing from the same hymn sheet, means investment that may be done, going elsewhere and East Anglia remaining virtually an isolated rail network with existing links via North London and #Peterborough being overheated and defaulting more to roads like gridlocked A14. Join BRTA and add your voice:

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