Wednesday 31 July 2024

Press Release BRTA ‘disgusted’ at recent Chancellor’s Statement withdrawal of Rail Reopenings Fund


                                                                            31 July 2024 

 Press Release

BRTA ‘disgusted’ at recent Chancellor’s Statement withdrawal of Rail Reopenings Fund
Whilst BRTA is supposed to be strictly non-party political, we do praise and criticise any political outlet we may disagree with.
BRTA is particularly ‘disgusted at the recent decision by Rachel Reeves MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer to cut the Local Rail Reopenings Fund, a mere £500 million for the whole of Great Britain. In times when Government is charged with putting the environment first, to cut emissions and traffic on our roads, chopping this pro-positive local rail expansion budget seems to fly in the face of environment ‘centre of all we do’ and is a petty ‘tit-for-tat’ cut a road Scheme (Stonehenge) with a nationwide cull on local rail expansion? This means all the scattered development expansion ambitions of government are more likely to be unsustainable with green aesthetical window dressing, but not modal shift without sweating the existing rail network which has glaring gaps in it and which leaves large urban and rural communities, thanks to the 1960’s closures, without local rail access in a modern context.
BRTA calls for Government and Treasury to think again on this matter and put land use and the environment first in transport and planning sequestrations and integrations, not just ad hoc sprawls.
End of Press Release

Contact Richard Pill BRTA Media Spokesperson: 



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