Thursday 3 August 2023

Buses, Timetables and network improvements please!

Update 09-08-23:

Good news, the timetable for the MK1 is more clearly displayed at the Bedford Bus Station, but no RTI as yet. St Paul's timetable has been improved but no RTI yet. Grant Palmer did respond and will look into clustering Nos. 21, 44 and 28 (A) are examples. North of Bedford, we offer support for Stations North of Bedford, but if parishes won't rally behind it, they must accept an unsatisfactory status quo until they see sense!

As a regular bus user, on the whole the buses are good. Our bus stop at the top of St Michael's Road has a bus shelter going into town and a good spread on the board of bus time access showing numbers and times.

However this is not consistent throughout the Borough. St Paul's Square Number 1 Bus stop needs improvement, the MK1 Bus Bay at the Bus Station seems to have no visual display of times nor a board for the timetable - if it is or can that be pointed out to me as is not clear.

I am not a digital person and do not command an i-phone. I rely on clear bus timetable information readily available at any bus stop and especially at an important hub such as Bedford Bus Station.
I do also observe Grant Palmer Nos 21 and 28 which also serve Kimbolton Road are less-than 6 or none per time and coming in is easier to access than going out. 
Could patronage be improved by a consistent hourly frequency both ways and running on to Bedford Midland Station looping as a part of their overall route?
If any consultations or officer coordinating bus matters, happy to be looped in and participate please. I think some reform of the buses could be helpful to boost patronage. 
Under retirement ages are discriminated against by not having a concessionary bus pass entitlement, cars are expensive if on low incomes and environmentally bus usage is better. 
Affordability, mobility and accessibility are key issues to address if we want more bus patronage, modal shift and lower emissions and congestion overall. We need audits on punctuality, driver shortages, bus maintenance, reliability checks and customer satisfaction. 
No. 7 does suffer from cancellations and also seems to get one bus which looks aesthetically like No. 5's but is smaller and yet with bags on wheels, buggies, wheelchairs and people and does not take long to be full and older/disabled don't want to climb a step on-board to sit at the back in sardine style.
The No. 41 needs a fresh approach. 
Good that it has a bi-hourly reinstatement to Northampton, but end-to-end is too long when a quicker direct bus serving the A428 corridor would nurture a new audience of commuting and wider travel between Bedford and Northampton principal places for shopping, work and visitorship. 
Our buses bring in hundreds of people daily to town centres - a main feed to local shops, so should be a top priority to work objectively and constructively as possible and made inclusive of all pockets and ease of use. 
Biddenham, Bromham and Stagsden could have a separate service inclusive of Kempston and Great Denham with the No. 41 serving main Bromham Road and the former Northampton/Bedford Road and Stagsden Road through Bromham for interchange with that service. That would shave probably 10 minutes off an 1.5 hour end-to-end duration, which without toilet access is too long and deters potential usage. I have used the Bedford-Northampton Bus since 1970. 
Likewise, Olney, - would it be better for a Bedford-A422 corridor - Olney loop and serve Yardley-Lavendon and back for interchange, freeing up and saving derv on the 15 mile detour from Lavendon-Olney-Yardley, which as a user I observe few people getting on/off at Olney and that would shave end-to-end timings. 
That end-to-end nifty semi-fast A428 corridor appeal I believe needs studying, but could bring new flows to town and buses with wider travel. Slimmer, but revitalised maybe.
Wixams, MK1 and GP No. 44 - are hourly, but tend - like some others - timetable or otherwise, cluster whereby both come within 10 minutes and then nothing for 1 hour! This pattern repeats like hourly and half hourly No. 1 Sunday service to Kempston and 2 minutes past the hour and half hourly C1/C10 respectively. If we can find resources to reinstate the No. 53 on Sundays to serve Hillgrounds and Wootton corridor, that would be welcome, as it did bring people into centres from outlying areas and was useful for accessing the Addison Centre - where my church is based.
Thanks very much. Please take this as constructive feedback, rather than criticism.
Action Stations:
1. Join ERTA and work with us:
2. Send feedback to the Mayor of Bedford Cllr Tom Wootton:
3. Let us have your experiences and feedback with solutions:
4. Feedback to the Bedford and Kempston Constituency MP:

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