Thursday 24 August 2023

Guildford-Horsham-Shoreham and an Arundel Curve needs re-railing!

Update at 28-09-23

Notice of ERTA Guildford-Horsham Working Party: Saturday 18th November in the Jubilee Room, 2-4pm business, Guildford United Reform Church Building, 83 Portsmouth Road, Guildford, GU2 4BS T. 01483 569 822

All welcome.

The purpose of the Working Party is to offer/assign everyone a role and area of responsibility, grow teams and progress the what needs doing as determined. It is not a talk shop or discussion forum as such, it must be hands-on.  Please try and assist with making thing work and enabling things to get done. Richard is chairing and is in coordination and delegation role. It needs local people to engage and show leadership based on sound judgement.

To register to attend, please email  to go on an email loop. Thank you.

Media Coverage at 28-08-23:

Dear All,

There's been a lot of talk and campaigning over the years to get this rail line reopened for regular passenger and possible freight-by-rail use. 

To these ends, how ERTA operates is for people to join as members and offer to voluntarily assist with tasks which need doing. Having more local people involved brings not only the wealth of their local knowledge, but also the prospect of more other local people identifying and being willing to also join and get involved.

ERTA could do once a year public meetings in Guildford and Horsham to gather the great and good, but we need a pulling together Working Group meeting in Guildford to pursue and take-on delegated roles and collaborate loosely together with a view to moving the agenda towards ultimate delivery. 

Getting a study needs local people to write to existing and prospective politicians and winning their support, getting councils on board. They demand audits and studies, which we are not equipped to do and road upgrades are evaluated by professionals at cost, not lay people, so we need equitable standards and values operating between road and rail for example. 

If you are interested in the Working Group idea, starting preliminaries in November 2023 with a bi-monthly chipping away February 2024. 

Things we need are:
1. Field Officers to know the line well 'now', compile lists and photographic evidence of issues to be addressed in a systematic and chronological order. E.g. level crossings/bridges, pinch-points, any blockages or threats of blockages. To keep on top of it.
2. Specific council/including Cranleigh Town Council with a view to winning them over that the gains outweigh the pains.
3. Getting professionals interested and establishing a funding pot - beit via council or ring-fencing via ERTA.
4. Building local support along and at both ends and feeding into ERTA Membership.
5. Seeking to act at Local Area Reps for ERTA, seek stalls and recruit support and members.
6. Write to local media selling the good idea concept of reopening and encourage the good idea to be adopted in planning policy and actions to forward towards processes for rebuilding the line as a local, modern public transport asset - heavy rail solution for more people and goods by rail.
7. I understand it is MP's to Councils to Government and public support. Then we need a power with authority to be able to say 'here's the cheque, move please'. I am convinced there's an overwhelming need, case and demand for this missing rail link. Further afield, the Arundel Curve for Horsham to South Coast to Brighton wrap around and then the issue of whether a direct new-build Shoreham rail link can be done, should be done and how to do given blockages and issues abounding including Tim Loughton MP saying over 20 years no-one has suggested reopening the railway and there's no case or it is too far gone? This is the sort of work a roving Working Group could usher along. It need not be the only effort, we can all update each other and liaise. But a pulse is needed and life needs to be put into the collective effort to progress matters. 

If interested in going on a list for future looping, please email back to that effect. I attach 2 diagrams, not the last word, but a planting of ideas of intent. The Working Group can produce others for its purposes and cross 'i's and dot t's.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Pill

Monday 14 August 2023

ERTA news and view update from 14-08-2023

Update 27-09-23

Notice of next ERTA Beds Forum: ERTA Beds Forum: 12 Noon Lunch, 13.00 – 15.00 business Wednesday 25th October at the upstairs part of Costa Coffee,

20 Silver Street, Bedford MK40 1SU All welcome. An agenda will be issued on the day. Things like discussion around better public transport and specifics like a station for the Retail Park Kempston on the Bedford-Bletchley Railway etc. This is a change of venue as the King William is unavailable apparently. Please join us and let’s keep the wheels turning in Bedfordshire a little more sustainably! Enquiries welcome via

T. 07752 096 392

01-09-23 Update

Thanks for your continued interest and support. I attach our latest newsletter and press release. Thanks to a Freedom of Information request we now have a copy of the 2020 study for reopening a new Northampton-Market Harborough rail link and basically, the benefits are numerous but shaving Northampton-Leicester timings from 90 minutes to somewhere about 35 minutes each way could revolutionise footfall and spend minus congestion equalling benefits more!

Indeed, with an Oxford-Milton Keynes and Northampton rail reopening from the south (takes on A43 and A421 corridors) and Northampton-Market Harborough takes on (A508 and M1), the wins for social, economic and environmental benefits are not wild dreams, but hard facts and opportunities which demand a more supportive response.

ERTA believes that on the one hand demand for endless studies presents a complicated maths and funding barrier, then if you are so lucky, there's no money to pay for the physical infrastructure. Yet roads are evaluated not by lay people but publicly paid professionals, there's gross inequality in favour of roads despite a climate emergency. How we tackle these issues, the we being tiers of governance and public coming together to put a commonsensical approach and greater levelling up to actually get 'spades in the ground' not endless report production, report trading, endless conferences, high paid salaries around organised discussions, whilst 'Rome burns', remains a key problem to address.

Tiers of governance, tiers of inequality but open opportunities in a context of cost-ratios and diminutives, means act now, you get savings, keep putting off or fearing costs whilst some councils are thread-bare, should not be a barrier for constructive collaboration and working at reopening local rail links for the benefits they offer for people and goods.

If you are not a member of ERTA, please join. If you can tap into our meetings and give us support, please do. The following give a wealth of information: and

ERTA is not a talk-shop, we are action stations with every volunteer asked for reliability, everyone having a role and responsibility. We are not in the game of chuck a tenna and let us graft, rather we are as good as a growing and active membership informs. Want more in your area? Join, become an Area Rep and act, grow a team, recruit new members and together we are stronger. My role is delegatory and coordination as best one may. Thank you.

Our newsletter is out now, get a free email copy via

Press Release
Reopening rail line could cut Northampton to Leicester journey time from 90 to 35 minutes”
Funding is being called to complete an interim 2020 Network Rail feasibility study on reopening the Northampton to Market Harborough railway line.
The population of Northamptonshire has considerably grown since the line was closed in 1981. Northamptonshire has the highest population growth of the UK and amongst the poorest rail access. We are all familiar with the difficulties travelling between Northampton and Leicester using the M1. Congestion at all stages is a frequent problem.
'Restoring this rail line would transform commuting between Northampton and Leicester' says Mr Richard Pill, CEO of the English Regional Transport Association. (ERTA).
The present railway timetable from Northampton to Leicester takes around 90 minutes depending on where you change trains. A Network Rail 2020 interim study obtained under the Freedom of Information Act demonstrated that a 35-minute journey time is realistic. The mileage for the line given on the Network Rail document is 15.9 miles. Reopening the Northampton to Market Harborough, with 2 station calls could take another 17.5 minutes. *See note.
It would address transport exclusion in North Northamptonshire and South Leicestershire.
Completing this study takes one year. Should the study demonstrate a clear economic case it could then be taken forward through the Rail Reopening Scheme. The English Regional Transport Association (ERTA) held a successful public meeting in Market Harborough in March. A public meeting is planned for the 30th September at Quaker House, Northampton details via
End Press Release
Further comment, please contact: Professor Andrew Williams 07923489254 or broader comment: 
Mr Richard Pill ERTA CEO 01234 330090


We have added 2 minutes for the train from Northampton 


waiting on the platform at MK station and the small


remainder as a contingency.


14-08-23 Update

Funny how the media after championing for 40 years new roads equal less congestion, only to find our town is as congested as ever. Some oppose east-west rail, but our view is that east of Bedford via St Johns would be better and enable more for less. However, such a rail link is required if we are to see overall gridlock reduced through choice and modal shift nurtured. ERTA has put forward a programme of adaptations and welcomed media interest and public and elected representative support please. This is no time for head-in-the-sand approaches or status quo as more development of the wrong kind goes in in rural and periphery places informing more traffic and bus and rail cuts for want of government and public engagement and rebalancing to ensure public transport usage is increasing, more capacity, affordability and comprehensiveness. 
Social Housing near bus routes makes sense, ditto Stations North of Bedford, Ampthill and the Retail Park to give more diverse access and usage other than total car reliance. ERTA welcomes people with cars to help disabled people campaign for better public transport. We are not anti car, but rather the High Street was pedestrianised fully, traffic diverted via a one-way St Cuthberts except for buses, Newnham Road and along the Embankment to the Town Bridge. 

Yes, I know this is a union page, but it is full of links and useful information if you agree that the closure of ticket offices is a bad thing and disenfranchises loads of people from accessing rail travel easily. Please tap in and explore further and add your name to opposing draconianism masked as modernisation.

If anyone wishes to join ERTA and offer to volunteer please see our website: If any wish to join and offer to work up business cases from proposition to full blown readiness, please contact and see the official site of There can be a view that the funding and demands for rail reopenings are much harder than for roads and there is an inherent inequality there which needs challenging. We aim to play along with the system and take it on, whilst also calling for reform and simplification of systems and processes to enable local discretion and commonsensical and pragmatic 'do it' means and ways for fostering and nurturing a full blown rail reopening/new build. Will you help us? This is what we need please. Thanks very much.

Meanwhile our Blogspit (scroll down) also has a plethora of news and calls-to-action: and our website has our Autumn Programme listed on it for people to tap in if they wish - geography need not be a barrier - if you're willing to help, that is a gateway to getting things done and we welcome it:

Enjoy the rest of your summer. Newsletter early September. Our top priorities are:
1. Guildford:
a. establish a working group - I will email to establish numbers and interest first, then depending whether it exceeds the 8 people rule, will opt for Quaker Room hire (cost) This all kicks in November email, February Working Group gets underway. It will meet bi-mohtlky 2024 and if resources allow, will do exactly the same in the Horsham area.
b. to do £100 colour gloss flyers for Guildford to raise members and awareness of the working group.
c. People must be members of ERTA and everyone on the working group must have a role to focus on. No dead wood!
2. Northampton:
a. post 30th September Public Meeting, establish a working group - to meet Quaker Room, November 2023 and bi-monthly thereafter. Same rules apply. 
b. for it to be the main ERTA work and focus for moving the agenda by dint, stint, means and ways along for fostering support for the 2 principal railways. I accept Northampton-MH must come first and our weakness is the Leicester end push in reach, range, members and resource terms. In Northampton we have a nucleus of people growing and bringing them and that together makes a lot of sense. Too big for mass leafleting but planning the next Public Meeting for 2024 Spring, seems the pattern to adopt with 121 or focused 2on2 type meetings to hone in on winning individuals like we recently tried with the Vice Chancellor of the University of Northampton.
3. Reading - looking for a suitable room-hire venue near the main railway station. That would be to bring the whole West County spectrum together within my budget and reasonable day train travel access terms.
4. Summer is out and about from the South Coast to Sheffield and Shrewsbury/Wrexham for Daniel and joint working etc. 
5. So Guildford, Northampton are the constant, others testing and gauging support, recruiting and so on.
6. Bedfordshire, seeking to model example of what area reps elsewhere can aspire towards. Ditto Northampton and Guildford as well. It is a bi-monthly rolving forum and I am mindful of Market Harborough as well. Common to all is development marching and a lack of support, land set aside for rail purposes and balancing these competing demands.
In general, it is no use people keep adding and suggesting stations elsewhere unless we have the people and resources. Croxley has Tony covering it and ideally our local members would rally to inform a Herts east-west spread. If the Radlett Depot (same company as Northampton SEGRO) gives talks at both that will be a coupe for us especially if they could be persuaded to join or sponsor ads as well as others - please ask. Enquiries welcome via
Our AGM Picture Below:

Wednesday 9 August 2023

Keswick illustrates why all politicians should plum for local rail solutions

11-06-23 update:

Comment: Generally, a good campaign, courting growing support as it goes, can move forward with a few right supports working together. So we write similar examples into the script of what could be a positive scenario, and so rule nothing out, notwithstanding where people and money conjoin, we'll engage more where wanted. Will any government play ball? Ask all candidates for their views and challenge them to put forward their own reopening lists and equitable funding between new road and rail reopenings, not disproportionately roads? The wheels are turning slowly. Write/email your MP for local lines where you live - it really does matter - they ARE listening... a General Election is coming within 18 months or less!


This is fantastic news! But it is ERTA's conviction that it should be part of a major Government backed plan of a rolling programme of local-regional rail reopenings, rebuilds and select pieces of new-build x nationwide now and switch the £27 billion new roads fund to fund these rail-based local and regional transport solutions, with line plans for growing all sizes of the movement of people and goods more from roads back to rail. ERTA calls on the public to back that view and write/email their MP's for it. Opposition Parties should be drawing up lists of schemes and seeking both to forward them and slim down the barriers prohibiting them beit costs, rigmarole and that professional high cost thing called 'business cases'. Reopening rail links with reconnecting outlying populations and filling strategic gaps for modal choice, modal shift and enabling more rail choices, should be common sense. ERTA does not buy the idea that Vitorians did not know what they were doing, indeed, they wanted better transport for masse people and goods from production sites and raw materials to markets for deployment for things a modern society needs - somewhere to live, ability for mobility and moving people and goods around. It served society well and got us logistically through 2 World Wars. Beeching et al closures were too far and retrospectively have proved detrimental to the social, economic and environmental well being of society. We are far too dependent on roads, road vehicles and yet the constraints of the current rail network inhibit easy, economic and efficient rail challenges to the roads market for modal shift. Enter debates on HS2, but ERTA's conviction is that it is the local railway which is the building block to level up transport and environmental-wise. In the North, not exhaustive but Keswick is a classic example - relocate the cycleway, reopen the railway and allow trains to carry more bikes by reinventing the guards van vestibule for more luggage capacity on all trains for multi-use. It can be done and equal spending between new roads and rails, means not new money, but more responsible use of what money may be available.
ERTA wants: Woodhead, Keswick, York-Beverley, Scarborough-Whitby, Leeds-Northallerton via Ripon, East Midlands-Manchester via Matlock, Bakewell and Peak District/Buxton/Chinley and select others. Join us and help bring them about!

Thursday 3 August 2023

Buses, Timetables and network improvements please!

Update 09-08-23:

Good news, the timetable for the MK1 is more clearly displayed at the Bedford Bus Station, but no RTI as yet. St Paul's timetable has been improved but no RTI yet. Grant Palmer did respond and will look into clustering Nos. 21, 44 and 28 (A) are examples. North of Bedford, we offer support for Stations North of Bedford, but if parishes won't rally behind it, they must accept an unsatisfactory status quo until they see sense!

As a regular bus user, on the whole the buses are good. Our bus stop at the top of St Michael's Road has a bus shelter going into town and a good spread on the board of bus time access showing numbers and times.

However this is not consistent throughout the Borough. St Paul's Square Number 1 Bus stop needs improvement, the MK1 Bus Bay at the Bus Station seems to have no visual display of times nor a board for the timetable - if it is or can that be pointed out to me as is not clear.

I am not a digital person and do not command an i-phone. I rely on clear bus timetable information readily available at any bus stop and especially at an important hub such as Bedford Bus Station.
I do also observe Grant Palmer Nos 21 and 28 which also serve Kimbolton Road are less-than 6 or none per time and coming in is easier to access than going out. 
Could patronage be improved by a consistent hourly frequency both ways and running on to Bedford Midland Station looping as a part of their overall route?
If any consultations or officer coordinating bus matters, happy to be looped in and participate please. I think some reform of the buses could be helpful to boost patronage. 
Under retirement ages are discriminated against by not having a concessionary bus pass entitlement, cars are expensive if on low incomes and environmentally bus usage is better. 
Affordability, mobility and accessibility are key issues to address if we want more bus patronage, modal shift and lower emissions and congestion overall. We need audits on punctuality, driver shortages, bus maintenance, reliability checks and customer satisfaction. 
No. 7 does suffer from cancellations and also seems to get one bus which looks aesthetically like No. 5's but is smaller and yet with bags on wheels, buggies, wheelchairs and people and does not take long to be full and older/disabled don't want to climb a step on-board to sit at the back in sardine style.
The No. 41 needs a fresh approach. 
Good that it has a bi-hourly reinstatement to Northampton, but end-to-end is too long when a quicker direct bus serving the A428 corridor would nurture a new audience of commuting and wider travel between Bedford and Northampton principal places for shopping, work and visitorship. 
Our buses bring in hundreds of people daily to town centres - a main feed to local shops, so should be a top priority to work objectively and constructively as possible and made inclusive of all pockets and ease of use. 
Biddenham, Bromham and Stagsden could have a separate service inclusive of Kempston and Great Denham with the No. 41 serving main Bromham Road and the former Northampton/Bedford Road and Stagsden Road through Bromham for interchange with that service. That would shave probably 10 minutes off an 1.5 hour end-to-end duration, which without toilet access is too long and deters potential usage. I have used the Bedford-Northampton Bus since 1970. 
Likewise, Olney, - would it be better for a Bedford-A422 corridor - Olney loop and serve Yardley-Lavendon and back for interchange, freeing up and saving derv on the 15 mile detour from Lavendon-Olney-Yardley, which as a user I observe few people getting on/off at Olney and that would shave end-to-end timings. 
That end-to-end nifty semi-fast A428 corridor appeal I believe needs studying, but could bring new flows to town and buses with wider travel. Slimmer, but revitalised maybe.
Wixams, MK1 and GP No. 44 - are hourly, but tend - like some others - timetable or otherwise, cluster whereby both come within 10 minutes and then nothing for 1 hour! This pattern repeats like hourly and half hourly No. 1 Sunday service to Kempston and 2 minutes past the hour and half hourly C1/C10 respectively. If we can find resources to reinstate the No. 53 on Sundays to serve Hillgrounds and Wootton corridor, that would be welcome, as it did bring people into centres from outlying areas and was useful for accessing the Addison Centre - where my church is based.
Thanks very much. Please take this as constructive feedback, rather than criticism.
Action Stations:
1. Join ERTA and work with us:
2. Send feedback to the Mayor of Bedford Cllr Tom Wootton:
3. Let us have your experiences and feedback with solutions:
4. Feedback to the Bedford and Kempston Constituency MP:

Tuesday 1 August 2023

Public Meeting Northampton reminder and a call to action!

Media coverage 01-09-2023

Update 10-08-2023

Dear All, 

It is the English Regional Transport Association (ERTA) conviction that this depot and with a south-west direct curve to link-in DIRFT, could best be served by rebuilding a direct rail link to Market Harborough for East Midlands and #Felixstowe via #Peterborough by rail movements of people and goods as well as the #Oxford direction. #Northampton is central and pivotal and we call on local leaders to get behind the rail reopening initiative for the local area's benefit.

Successful meetings can inspire others to get involved. Northampton-Market Harborough rail needs a dedicated team!
We find it hard to understand why our leaders are not jumping up and down in support and getting the Government on side to commission a proper 'transparent' study to make the business case formally for this much needed strategic rail link? 
It to us, seems commonsensical! 

Yours sincerely,

Richard Pill

Dear All,

ERTA Northampton Public Meeting: 
Saturday 30th September at The Northampton Quakers, Quaker House, Wellington Street, Northampton NN1 3AS 2pm-4pm (core time) with Guest Speaker: Mr Andrew Meaney, Partner in Oxera An economic and finance consultancy. Andrew will be speaking around ‘Rail funding, and effective business cases” followed by Peter Doveston of Northants Streets Campaign, both with Questions and Answers (Q&A). There will also be discussion for a Northampton-Market Harborough rail link as well as a general rail and transport discussion and a general mingle and sales stall (old magazines mainly). Please bring cash with you. Any enquiries please ring 01234 330090 or email All welcome. A retiring collection will be available. Please invite others and help spread the word. Parking is limited. All offers to help get people there and support on the day welcome. Successful meetings can inspire other to get involved. Northampton-Market Harborough rail needs a dedicated team!

Meanwhile, we have updated our proposed rail network expansion vision which should ideally be being pursed now with 2030 as a date of opening, instead never never land seems to lacklustre situation whilst Rome burns literally! 

The benefits of such a rail-based alternative to roads, pollution and congestion would help drivers and more people and goods by rail. Aware of local sensitivities, but more cycle provision should go along trunk roads like A508 and free-up trackbeds originally for rail, to be used again by rail. See example:
A source separate to ERTA has cited benefits of the reopening of these local rail links as:
  • Making Northampton a central link between the West Coast and East Coast Mainlines.
  • Maximising the impact of the recent development of the Rail Freight Interchange in Northamptonshire.
  • Creating a valuable passenger link between Northampton and the cities of Leicester and Nottingham.
  • Diminishing the environmental impact of lorry transport by replacing it with rail.
  • Increasing the possibility of further rail development between Northampton and Bedford.' 
  • As in all things, you have to start somewhere. What counts as 'reasonable interest'? Do we protect routes/identify 'new' to realign or deviate for end-to-end purposes? ERTA wants minds to focus on a will and a way with the benefits shared accordingly please. As for level crossings, lobby Office for Road and Rail (ORR) and weigh carefully a congested Bedford Road or London Road or A508 with the few minutes delay a crossing may bring, but reducing overall traffic congestion and pollution? Councils and other agencies need to be brought together and work together. Laudable generalised platitudinal aims are useless without focused real routes, aspiration and attitude of intent in a timely manner. 
Yours sincerely,

Richard Pill
c/o - join our email loop!