Saturday 8 July 2023

Rail Users Corner - stop Government cuts to booking offices - write to your MP

Within our means, we are opposed to the closure of local ticket offices generally as a cut and closure of an amenity many people still find useful and which with creativity can double up as a local information point bridging on-rail and off-rail information. 

It is a stupid proposition. Just because some are 'digital', still leaves swathes of people who are not, want the choice on some things and these tend to be older people, people with disabilities and those on the margins who cannot afford i-phones and average cost tickets. In short, it will disenfranchise loads of people from accessing and using railways. That is draconian and bad for the environment. We do need people to write to their MP's:
 and demand that the decision and consultation: - enage with and encourage others like-wise. 

The Government should be working proactively to encourage more and diverse reaches and ranges back tot he railways as normal public transport travel and usage, instead it is restricting people. Ticket machines are no panacea, they can get vandalised, they often do not work, they get things wrong, charge more than booking offices (I have had that experience) and people are fed up with price variation by ticket machines, when what they want is the cheapest ticket to get from a to b. Government seems to want an airline slick carriage deal of sardine management of overcrowding, when we need railways for people before profit which designs carriages with Guard's Van Vestibules as part of the train for more luggage space, multi-use purposes, bikes and giving out information. Could also double-up for small loads like parcels and pallets by rail too on scheduled passenger services. Alas, there's no creativity and capacity and people visiting, travelling and moving need capacity, otherwise it sends that business direct to other modes like roads which can do it at a cost.
I encourage others to write and engage. 

Certainly broadening bus concessionary tickets to bus-rail off peak status and under 65's are taking a hit with too limited ranges of tickets and discounts. The walk-on, walk-off access with discount works with ticket offices, without it, pre-booking is the push to become more the norm, but as I found out on West Coast Main Line services, overcrowding meant accessing a seat, a toilet and disembarking was totally inadequate, impossible and hazardous. It hits against people with conditions, it hits against people with disabilities and learning issues. It is an anti-social act and whilst they say staff will be on-hand, it may be a gimmick because when cuts of a petty nature are abroad, it is people-costs which are often front-line for restriction, cuts and scant coverage pro-ratio of the volume users.  

07 July 2023

Press Release
ERTA Opposes closure of ticket offices for rail users
Within our means, we are opposed to the closure of local ticket offices generally as a cut and closure of an amenity many people still find useful and which with creativity can double up as a local information point bridging on-rail and off-rail information. 
It is a stupid proposition. Just because some are 'digital', still leaves swathes of people who are not, want the choice on some things and these tend to be older people, people with disabilities and those on the margins who cannot afford i-phones and average cost tickets. In short, it will disenfranchise loads of people from accessing and using railways. That is draconian and bad for the environment. engage with and encourage others like-wise. 
The Government should be working proactively to encourage more and diverse reaches and ranges back to the railways as normal public transport travel and usage, instead it is restricting people. Ticket machines are no panacea, they can get vandalised, they often do not work, they get things wrong, charge more than booking offices (I have had that experience) and people are fed up with price variation by ticket machines, when what they want is the cheapest ticket to get from a to b. Government seems to want an airline slick carriage deal of sardine management of overcrowding, when we need railways for people before profit which designs carriages with Guard's Van Vestibules as part of the train for more luggage space, multi-use purposes, bikes and giving out information. Could also double-up for small loads like parcels and pallets by rail too on scheduled passenger services.
End Press Release
Further comment/information Mr Richard Pill 01234 330090

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