Tuesday 27 December 2022

Better and more rail links for Guildford, Surrey to and from the rest of the railway network.

Transport choices and responsibilities for outcomes rests with the people, places, powers and authorities associated with Guildford and wider contextual areas and dithering can mean more of the same but with worsening congestion and association issues including pollution and emissions in a context of inevitable outcomes of growth and development.
ERTA is of a view:
Ø    Tunnelling the A3 under Guildford is an expensive and ludicrous idea which will mean exacerbated current issues Guildford has. It does not remove traffic from busy roads, rather gives a green light for a whole lot more!
Ø    If we are serious about cutting congestion, making public transport as robust, comprehensive, affordable and accessible the priority should be better appreciated and worked at incrementally. That means saving land for railway station expansion of platform capacity, not developing locking-in current form, whilst saying “there’s no more capacity”!
Ø    Rebuild Guildford-Horsham-Shoreham with a new curves and direct linkages, would inform a Reading-Guildford-Brighton rail corridor, giving choice to local and regional road and rail (‘not via London for everything!) options, currently not with us and bring Cranleigh area back onto the rail networks along with Southwater. Yes, it needs studying, yes it requires a determine and ‘can-do’ approach to obstacles, yes, cycleways and footpaths can be accommodated with an expanded ‘green’ corridor and select redirection. Live and let live!
Ø    Build a new rail link direct from Guildford-Woking for Wisley/RHA), Heathrow, Old Oak Common Interchange and beyond to physically link with the Chiltern Lines for Banbury, Aylesbury and Milton Keynes.
Ø    Electrify Third Rail (in a sea of third rail electrified lines) the North Downs Line which would enable Thameslink Trains to reach Guildford (semi-fast) to/from places like Croydon, South London networks and the full-monte Thameslink Network. This would inform sustainable footfall and spend to Guildford Centre and could be extended on to Reading for the penultimate London orbital link up and require no change of train at Redhill – a seamless journey. Thameslink serves Luton and Gatwick Airport, Central London, Eurostar at St Pancras as well as Bedford, Stevenage and Cambridge for example. The North Downs Line has been in Cinderella Status for too long, it needs upgrading and investment and rules saying “no third-rail electrification” should be challenged as illogical and short-sighted.
Brighton Main Line and local-regional roads are reaching capacity. Growth and development without better rail infrastructure, capacity and services, will only exacerbate that. Please give ERTA your support, join as a member and offer to provide assistance with ushering towards these laudable goals being realised sometime soon. You can make a difference today!
Your feedback and support would be welcome. It is all voluntary btw. Send to richard.erta@gmail.com
A diagram (early peek!) to be worked up is:

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