Friday 18 February 2022

Reopen part of the East Lincolnshire railway with caveates where necessary.

If you live in or around the Lincolnshire (UK) area and/or are supportive of an idea to rebuild a terminal branch link to re-rail part of East Lincolnshire, please don't carp from the sides or nit pick but join ERTA, donate, offer to help and campaign for it. It does not have to use every inch of former line, realignments, deviations may be needed or a like HS2 'here's the cheque, move please' with relocation packages built in. But the greater good, the benefits of rail connectivity with the wider country and people/places, must be such as to court widest support and ideally, if Government tiers ever listen, to get them sufficiently galvanised to move it towards a delivery in a timely manner, to plan ahead to nurture conditions for delivery and ensure win, win not losership is the order of the day. Please join ERTA and help us help others.

Meanwhile, a timely reminder if we do not re-rail Britain:

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