Tuesday 25 January 2022

Leicester, Capacity and Northampton-Market Harborough Rails

Leicester, Capacity and Northampton-Market Harborough Rails

Ø     Leicester is not just a gateway to the East Midlands Region; it is also a gateway from and pivotal part of the East Midlands. That diversity means it is a place people want to get to, through and from for a variety of reasons and purposes and that the mode they choose to use will be centred around norms, costs and access options.

Ø     Northampton is supposed to be part of the East Midlands Regional take, but also comes into the sub regional sphere of South Midlands, yet Northampton has no direct rail link connection with Leicester/East Midlands and vice versa.

Ø     Reopening Northampton-Market Harborough would provide multiple links and serve numerous markets. There’s local, providing a rail choice, currently lacking along the A508 corridor and challenging the M1 which does link Leicester and Northampton of modal choice and market share for people and goods more by rail as part of modal shift and environmentally ‘greening’ agendas.

Ø     Northampton – Market Harborough Rail Link offers Oxford/Watford-Milton Keynes-Northampton-Leicester and beyond and vice versa. That is new linkages of expanded populations which were not present when the line shut as part of the Serpell Report of the early 1980’s. Yes, the passenger service was with drawn during the 1960’s, when Milton Keynes was not built and Northampton half its current size or less, but was used for freight until the end.

Ø     A curve could be provided at the southern end from north-west for direct running from Felixstowe and anywhere else to the inland port of Daventry International Rail Freight Terminal (DIRFT) and vice versa. The line could also serve the new Northampton Rail Freight Depot as well as wider north-south and making use of east-west (Oxford-Bletchley) for rail to grow into a larger inter-regional share of markets.

Ø     Capacity on the Midland Main Line (MML) is constrained apparently. But ERTAs solution is to have a new Bedford-Northampton ‘not via Olney’ line constructed which would enable some diversionary traffic off MML tracks between Bedford and Market Harborough which in turn would create more paths for MML services (passenger and freight). Looking at electrification north of Market Harborough-Sheffield could coincide with widening the MML and tracks through Leicester to service more rail-based operations. Where can be done, it should and is long overdue for such a consideration.

Ø     The issue of business case, should warrant powers that be taking an interest, studying and making the case to tick boxes of candidacy to court what investment may be available for more and ultimately progressing the delivery of these rail links. The can’t, won’t and don’t mantras of arm chair critics, even so-called rail ones, should be challenged with pro-active pursuit of this rail agenda, as those critics are consigned to a roads only 20th century tunnel vision which does not see rail as pivotal except big spend footprints like High-Speed solutions. We may need both, but leave it to them and half-baked more of the same is most likely to be the default in short roads, roads and more roads with congestion!

Ø     Widening a green corridor for incorporating twin track rails, cycleways and footpaths will take some doing, but short-medium-long term, could be plan-directed to adapt terrain to it.

To support, join our free email loop via requests to Mr Richard Pill richard.erta@gmail.com

Media Coverage: re: recent Northampton area press-media coverage.

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