Tuesday 25 January 2022

Leicester, Capacity and Northampton-Market Harborough Rails

Leicester, Capacity and Northampton-Market Harborough Rails

Ø     Leicester is not just a gateway to the East Midlands Region; it is also a gateway from and pivotal part of the East Midlands. That diversity means it is a place people want to get to, through and from for a variety of reasons and purposes and that the mode they choose to use will be centred around norms, costs and access options.

Ø     Northampton is supposed to be part of the East Midlands Regional take, but also comes into the sub regional sphere of South Midlands, yet Northampton has no direct rail link connection with Leicester/East Midlands and vice versa.

Ø     Reopening Northampton-Market Harborough would provide multiple links and serve numerous markets. There’s local, providing a rail choice, currently lacking along the A508 corridor and challenging the M1 which does link Leicester and Northampton of modal choice and market share for people and goods more by rail as part of modal shift and environmentally ‘greening’ agendas.

Ø     Northampton – Market Harborough Rail Link offers Oxford/Watford-Milton Keynes-Northampton-Leicester and beyond and vice versa. That is new linkages of expanded populations which were not present when the line shut as part of the Serpell Report of the early 1980’s. Yes, the passenger service was with drawn during the 1960’s, when Milton Keynes was not built and Northampton half its current size or less, but was used for freight until the end.

Ø     A curve could be provided at the southern end from north-west for direct running from Felixstowe and anywhere else to the inland port of Daventry International Rail Freight Terminal (DIRFT) and vice versa. The line could also serve the new Northampton Rail Freight Depot as well as wider north-south and making use of east-west (Oxford-Bletchley) for rail to grow into a larger inter-regional share of markets.

Ø     Capacity on the Midland Main Line (MML) is constrained apparently. But ERTAs solution is to have a new Bedford-Northampton ‘not via Olney’ line constructed which would enable some diversionary traffic off MML tracks between Bedford and Market Harborough which in turn would create more paths for MML services (passenger and freight). Looking at electrification north of Market Harborough-Sheffield could coincide with widening the MML and tracks through Leicester to service more rail-based operations. Where can be done, it should and is long overdue for such a consideration.

Ø     The issue of business case, should warrant powers that be taking an interest, studying and making the case to tick boxes of candidacy to court what investment may be available for more and ultimately progressing the delivery of these rail links. The can’t, won’t and don’t mantras of arm chair critics, even so-called rail ones, should be challenged with pro-active pursuit of this rail agenda, as those critics are consigned to a roads only 20th century tunnel vision which does not see rail as pivotal except big spend footprints like High-Speed solutions. We may need both, but leave it to them and half-baked more of the same is most likely to be the default in short roads, roads and more roads with congestion!

Ø     Widening a green corridor for incorporating twin track rails, cycleways and footpaths will take some doing, but short-medium-long term, could be plan-directed to adapt terrain to it.

To support, join our free email loop via requests to Mr Richard Pill richard.erta@gmail.com

Media Coverage: re: recent Northampton area press-media coverage.

Thursday 20 January 2022

ERTA Horsham Public Meeting 26-03-2022 'Open to all' - all welcome!

I attach a poster for our Horsham Meeting and welcome help to get people to join us for that meeting. Apparently a retired solicitor is challenging the decision to allow the canal and a rethink may be that the councils involved will consult further and give more opportunity for the rail to be further considered as part of any plans. Remember, we only lost by 1 vote last time, so much to engage with. For more information, please compare notes with my colleague, Mr Colin Crawford: Mobile 07836-693977 E: colin.crawford1@btconnect.com  Thank you.

Please object to the canal threat to the former rail trackbed. Email this letter now!

Thursday 13 January 2022


13 January 2022
Press Release
ERTA Calls for people to consider becoming 
“reliable assistant volunteers”
The English Regional Transport Association (ERTA)’s vital work across the regions demands growth of reliable, assistant volunteers, to help us better service existing commitments and to be in a better position expand our efforts. Volunteering with ERTA can provide useful experience and CV filling as well as enabling others with time, talent or both to contribute and give-back to the national interest. The key roles we want people to assist with is:
ü    Leafleting beit Great Central Corridor re-railing, Horsham, Bedford and elsewhere – it is exercise, must have own transport and a modicum of common sense. Reliability is key.
ü    Research, fact finding and putting cases/coherent arguments together for advancing our projects. Guildford-Horsham, Horsham-Shoreham, Woodhead, Northamptonshire and London.
ü    Forum and helping with marketing meetings: Horsham, Leicester, Bedford, London and elsewhere. Getting people to our forums, engaging positively and helping advance existing goals and policies, as well as identifying new and ensuring they are resourced.
ü    We request people consider joining ERTA as a Member which gives more rights and enables Committee work and inner echelons to better function. Qualities are reliability, admin ability and keeping sight of what we are trying to achieved and getting the balances right.
More information can be found on our website: https://ertarail.co.uk/ and/or join our email loop via requests to richard.erta@gmail.com, attend forums and tap in to what we are doing and explore what you can offer in terms of time, talent, recruitment and resource generation. As a team, we can aim for turning the tide from fragmented railways to route protection, year-on-year rail reopenings agendas; cutting congestion, emissions and waste by re-railing people, places and glaring gaps in the national rail network of a local, conventional type.  
End Press Release
Further comment or contact: 
Mr Richard Pill, ERTA Chairman 01234 330090 
or richard.erta@gmail.com

Tuesday 11 January 2022

Sara Homer/Brackmills Rail Link News

An update from Brackmills Northampton.

The Brackmills Industrial Estate Business Improvement District is forming a GID (Green Improvement District).

This will form a coalition between Brackmills, Delapre Abbey and the University of Northampton (Waterside).

Our aim is to create a triangle between us to enable all the three factions to work on reducing congestion, emissions and to make the area a cleaner, greener area to live and work in. The idea is to improve easier and better ways to commute to and from work and to also improve fitness of our employees, residents and students that live and work in the area.

This should give us more of a voice to apply for grant funding and any other available monies to move forward to the potential of re opening the railway track on Buryport Road. This will run from Brackmills, passing by the University of Northampton at Waterside on Mid-Summer Meadow and finally stopping near to town centre.

To be on Sara’s email loop send requests and support to: sara.homer@brackmillsindustrialestate.co.uk

‘Open to all’ Public Meeting

Meeting to explore, discuss and update on the re-railing of the Brackmills Railway Branch for better public transport.

Saturday 26th of February 2022, 2pm-4pm

Brackmills industrial estate ltd.

C/o In N Out Autocentres

Brackmills business park

Caswell road.




Meeting for lunch* at The Lakes Pub, opposite Brackmills off the A428/Bedford Road, Northampton from 1pm  https://www.hungryhorse.co.uk/pubs/northamptonshire/lakeside/


For further details, please contact Mrs Sara Homer, CEO of Brackmills Industrial Estate: sara.homer@brackmillsindustrialestate.co.uk

Brackmills BID m: 07891016896

Sunday 9 January 2022

Calvert, Buckinghamshire at a crossroads of HS2 land take and Aylesbury-Milton Keynes and Brackley East re-rail

If HS2 takes the land used by former Great Central, (tracks have been taken up at Calvert), then more land is required and complete realignment for any Aylesbury-Milton Keynes local, conventional rail link. In addition, given HS2 has a large land width take up, more land is required for a new domestic local rail link to re-rail the former Great Central corridor alongside any HS2 to a new alignment. If any support, please join ERTA and help swell our team. Thank you. Gateway email initially richard.erta@gmail.com

See also: https://www.oxfordshirelive.co.uk/news/oxfordshire-news/road-closure-caused-hs2-works-6452170