Wednesday 10 November 2021

ERTA Bedford Area Forum - open to all so all welcome!

As I get older and less-able to do some things, I am determined to continue to flag up the Bedford agenda where I live. It is hoped others will do the same for where they are based by becoming area reps for ERTA and recruiting more support for our causes via membership and setting forth agendas consistent with what we are about like:

a. local rail and station reopenings/rebuilds/select new builds
b. better and integrated bus-rail transport, affordability and experiences
c. pedestrian and cycle access in all planning, improved layouts and safety.
d. end product, less reliant on roads, vehicles, fossil fuel and pollution, congestion and mayhem impacting stress on people's lives.
I can't do nationwide cover except strategically in setting frameworks which enable others to take responsibility on their local scene, but what I can do is strive to model best practices within realistic means-ways and export any exemplification to others. 
Our Bedford approach has 3 strands to it:
a. tabling a regular forum open to all
b. doing the St Paul's monthly stall and others where logistics lend themselves
c. regular leafleting, starting again 1st February 2022. 
Of course new members and recruited volunteers can assist with these things and take-on project work and/or filter into the national scene and find their place in forwarding more of what we wish for.
In short, it is the adage of 'think global, act local', as someone else said "if I can't find what I am looking for in my own back yard, I may not find it at all" (I paraphrase). Change starts with us, not necessarily COP26 and variations thereof. At the end of the day, it is the translation to local policies, practises and actions which inform whether we make given goals or fail. Small things add up, doing small things well and consistently makes a contribution we can recommend to others born of our own walk, within our means, greater or lesser. What is clear is that business as usual, is not acceptable, even as we all have to do the dailies. I attach our minutes,  agenda and flyer and welcome your further kind interest. Please do feel free to pass on to potentially interested others. If interested in being an area rep where you live, please do let me know and we can discuss further by email. ERTA is an association which works grassroots upwards, rather than assuming a national position and preaching top-down i.e. "do as I say, not as I do!". Our method sends signals upwards which informs a base-note pointing to things which we believe could make a significant contribution to the quality of all lives locally, then to the regions and ultimately nationwide and beyond. We rely on growing membership and volunteers to enable that to be effective, to put meat on the bones to coin a phrase. Like it or loathe it, East-West Rail's case is made many times over via studies coming in at £millions with a budget of delivery of £4.5 billion or thereof.... We could never have achieved that, but the groundswell of awareness and support grassroots upwards has inspired and informed and carried through the gloom of 30 wasted years, the idea persists, albeit the fine-tuning and route definition - we want one route, the promoters are tasked with another; but the principles of aspiration and directing professional focus are sound ones. Could it be done elsewhere? That is the challenge not for us or me per se, but principles courting local support and advocacy. Arlesey Station opened in 1988 took 3 years by top campaigners and public support. Wixams now over a decade, Ampthill can be done if Wixams can be done, two platforms, bus shelters and access overbridges and adequate land. Likewise stations north of Bedford, the 20 mile gap between Bedford and Wellingborough commands a station around halfway, as villages grow and more cars hit the roads, Bedford Midland and local roads will not sustain that growth based on 2.5 cars per average household. So what can give, what can take? It needs a vision, a plan, a consensus and advocacy. Will you step into that brief? This is what ERTA is about finding, and every position filled and done well, is gained for next ones to be done as well, nationwide! Meanwhile these 3 things stand in tension:
1. Time is running out
2. Seize the day
3. Together we are stronger
For details of what is happening, please join our email loop via Thank you.

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